You'll Own Nothing – Not Even Your Body
““Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.””
Someone on reddit shared this: mRNA is the only legal way to convert DNA to cDNA (complementary DNA) -
Once you have cDNA, your body is in a way no longer protected by the laws of humanity because you have synthetic DNA... which the UN and the Senate classifies as patentable; thus, no consent needed for experiments - (third paragraph)
Big Pharma will own you. And most people will hate it (but hate will be rebranded as a “comfy, happy and loving feeling”).
The government will control your bank account and even how you can spend your monies. The government will track you, 24/7. Every six months, you will need to inject your body with some toxic substance –otherwise, you’ll be thrown in jail, fined, or simply left as an outcast of society.
If you do not put the line there, that you own your body, that you are free to decide what medical procedure you want or not, then you don’t own your body. The gateway to heaven! Okay, I exaggerate a bit. However, we do know that the pineal gland is responsible for our spiritual experience. Kundalini and chakras are a thing. Our body is a sacred temple.
If there is a trinity of the Gods, then there is a trinity of humankind: Body, mind, and soul. As above, as below.
There is an agenda to sever your connection with the divine. And the best way of doing so is by poisoning your food and your blood.
In Canada, cattle are branded with a barcode. This is now getting applied to GMO human beings.
By 2030, most people will own nothing, not even their bodies.
If they don’t own their body, do they still own their soul?