Austria plans to fine the unwaxxed 3600 euros – quarterly.

Time to get out of Austria

From Reuters news: “Austria's conservative-led government on Thursday gave details of its plan to make coronavirus vaccines compulsory, saying it will apply to people 14 and over and holdouts face fines of up to 3,600 euros ($4,071) every three months.

The vaccine mandate, which must be approved by parliament, is due to start in February and last through January 2024. Two opposition parties support it, suggesting it will pass easily.

There will be quarterly vaccination deadlines, Mueckstein said, adding that the authorities will check a central vaccination register to see if members of the public are in it.

"If that is not the case, proceedings will be brought. In regular proceedings the amount of the fine is 3,600 euros," Mueckstein said, adding that fines would be means-tested.”

This is pure madness.

”For people who aren’t vaccinated or exempted, the draft foresees proceedings being launched that could result in a 3,600-euro fine. People’s income and other financial obligations will be taken into account in calculating fines. Alternatively, officials can opt to impose a fine of up to 600 euros (about $680) in shortened proceedings.

Authorities will write to unvaccinated people every three months reminding them to get their shots or get a doctor to certify their right to an exemption before the next cutoff date. If they continue not to comply, fines can be imposed every three months. Proceedings will be dropped if people produce proof of vaccination in the meantime.”

It gets better:

“Who is already being punished for the second time, must pay 7,200 euros. In the draft it is to be stated however that nobody can be brought forward compulsorily to the vaccination.

Booster vaccinations are also to be covered by the vaccination obligation.”

So yeah. Welcome to the fourth Reich I supposed.


Jean Pascal