Are you free to worship God in New Brunswick?

Are you free to worship God in New Brunswick?

See the latest NB order:

In other words, churches have the responsibility of making sure that everyone attending their service is fully vaccinated. Alternatively, they must maintain a registry of every attendant, ask everyone to stay 2 meters apart, and forbid the singing!

In front of such a blatant government overreach, New Brunswick’s churches need to simply dissolve and resolve in the loving arms of the Saviour.

The Church does not belong to this world (see Acts 2). It belongs to the New Earth and New Heaven (Isaiah 65:17 and Revelation 21:1). The Church can be obedient to the rulers, but it isn’t absolute or unconditional. When the orders are ungodly, and going against the Church, then God’s glorification and sanctification must prevail and remain true to its nature (out of this world). The Church is “just passing through” (1 Chronicles 29:15). The Church is in the world, but out of it. Are you still following me?

Are you free to worship God in New Brunswick?

The Church needs to go underground to keep the main thing the main thing, as Pastor Eric Foley wrote in his wonderful book Planting Underground Church.

The reason why churches in NB needs to simply disappear in the darkness of the night is to 1) keep on signing and praising God 2) enabling everyone –vaccinated or not– to come and hear the Word of God.

It’s not to fear the reprisal of the government. The Church does not need to fight this order. It would bring it back to a lower level. The Church –the Body of Christ– is all powerful and supersede any governmental decrees in any way shape or form.

Pastor Eric Foley is of the opinion that:

The Church is not bound by governments. Christians are, however, bound to the Word of the Lord.
The retribution belongs to the Lord. Christians denying another soul to enter a church based on his vaccination status will face the judgement God. After 2 years of pandemic, we do have the data. There is no pandemic. There is only government-driven propaganda machine wanting to make us believe otherwise.

When there is an attempt to bind the Word, the Church must go –is obligated– to go underground. Household services.

Are you free to worship God in New Brunswick?

The Truth shall prevail, and set you free.