The Most Beautiful World

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No Bill, I won't take your vaccine.

That’s right.

Trigger warning: It’s easy to label someone a conspiracy theorist. Yet, I didn’t want to believe in this shit. Problem is, there’s an overwhelming pile of evidence that we are not getting told everything. So bear with me. We are all trying to figure out what-the-hell is happening.

Here at The Most Beautiful World, untrammelled freedom for each and every human being is a deeply anchored value.
Forced vaccination goes against the most beautiful and the free world. I mean,
Bill Gates did not even vaccinate his children…



Growing up, I admired you.

You were the kid that “started his billion-dollar company in his garage.”

If you could have done it, so could I!

You gave us hope. You were the underdog… the nerdy and bullied type of guy that made it to the very top.

My generation grew up thinking highly of you.

And then you took a hard turn into crazy. You developed the Zune.



You made Windows ME…!

Kidding! Okay, I stop.

Let’s be serious now.

You gave money to convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein so he can finance some operation at the MIT. There is a reason an assassin killed Aaron Swartz. Did he get too close to something he shouldn’t have discovered on some servers? We, the public, do not know. But you look suspicious Bill. You flew with Jeffrey and refuse to explain why.

Point is, you said this at your TED talk in 2015:

As seen on CNN (read on project Mockingbird if you got time)

How can anyone trust you?

After all, Indians and Africans are mad as hell because your test vaccines proved themselves fatal.

Point is, Bill, your father was a friend to a powerful eugenic man…

Point is, Bill, you know the risks of vaccine more than anybody else:

Point is, Bill, we cannot trust the vaccine manufacturers either! What was supposed to be a saving grace in modern history has rather turned into stories of bribes, corruption and blackmailing. Look at some of those stories!

Source of the above quote.

We cannot trust Google as well. Google gathered millions of health information from US citizens. They removed “Make no evil” motto from their website. And now they partnered with Apple to do contact tracing. Suuuuure. We lost faith in the tech companies. Bill, you’re mocking us and laughing at us in our face with your whole 2020060606 patent number registered by Microsoft end of March 2020 (patent is real, and yes, it’s 060606).

You know what you’re doing.

You’re engineering your own Apocalypse.

You’re pushing Agenda 21 very hard you know. Nobody likes it.

As if this wasn’t bad enough, you said in a recent Reddit AMA that there won’t be back until everybody has a digital immunity certificate. Merck and the European Commission have been working hard to get a vaccination passport by 2022. After you deleted the petition (that gained over 400 000 signatures) about stopping your ID2020 gimmick, I am led to believe that you do not have our best intention in mind. Look at your track record… is terrifying.

Your tetanus vaccine in Kenya sterilized 47 500 young people. Your vaccine trial in India killed a bunch of young folks. You never vaccinated your own kids for fuck’s sake! Oh and you’re already testing the microchip in Malawi!

The fact that Denmark will force vaccination when the newly developed COVID19 vaccine appears on the market is terrifying. What happened to the Nuremberg code? Why is the EU working on a digital vaccination passport since 2018? Why was the Samoan population forced to take a flu shot last December? Why was the MIT Lab –a lab that has been financed over the years by you… or by you through convicted pedophile Jeffrey Eipstein– so into digital immunity passport à la ID2020 before any pandemic? Check this document out, dear reader: Restarting the Economy and Avoiding Big Brother: We need to know who is immune and employ them in the front line (PDF document). That’s also the lab that wants to use invisible ink to store medical information on the skin.

Bill. You and your friends are trying to play God, something that your own dad and his buddies have been doing since way too long. (Read about Bill Gates’ grand-father & Rockerfeller eugenic plans here, here and here.)

I, for one, will not take any vaccine. We cannot trust a pedophile that kills his opponent or blackmail them; we cannot trust the vaccine companies for the reasons above; we cannot trust the governments.

Your intentions are clear, as you wrote in this letter: “The goal is to pick the one or two best vaccine constructs and vaccinate the entire world—that’s 7 billion doses if it is a single-dose vaccine, and 14 billion if it is a two-dose vaccine. The world will be in a rush to get them, so the scale of the manufacturing will be unprecedented and will probably have to involve multiple companies.”

No. The world won’t be in a rush to get them.

I won’t take your vaccine. I’d buy a new Zune if you’d make a new version.

A vaccine? Bill Bill Bill.

Never. I rather dig my own grave below the Georgia Guidestones than getting it.


Supplementary read:

Interesting conversation;

More good stuff here;

Read this;

Read this too.

Extra video: The nurses are so bored across murica.

Up to this point Americans have failed. They have allowed this takeover without even a whimper. How much more of this lie are you going to put up with? Will ...

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