If they want controlled-anarchy, we can give them untrammelled freedom.
They planned their coup for 50+ years:
Does it mean that we need to play their scenario?
As far as I know… we still have freewill.
Untrammelled: Definition of not deprived of freedom of action or expression; not restricted or hampered.
“One’s own free, untrammelled desires, one’s own whim...all of this is precisely that which fits no classification, and which is constantly knocking all system and theories to hell. And where did our sages get the idea that man must have normal, virtuous desires? What man needs is only his own independent wishing, whatever that independence may cost and wherever it may lead.”
Oh! What would Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Hannah Arendt, George Orwell and Fyodor Dostoyevsky say about all of the current take-over by the Globalist! Okay, one more quote, then we go back to the meat of this post. This one is from the wonderful book written by Hannah A. named The Origins of Totalitarianism: “Men have been found to resist the most powerful monarchs and to refuse to bow down before them, but few indeed have been found to resist the crowd, to stand up alone before misguided masses, to face their implacable frenzy without weapons and with folded arms to dare a no when a yes is demanded. Such a man was Zola!”
But first, let’s be honest. It’s easy to get carried away and think that we have defeated the New World Order by figuring out its evil plans through Bill Gates, WHO and the UN.
Seeing so many people waking up at the WHO bullshit or Bull Gates bullshit vaccine is recomforting… until you realize that maaaaybe they (whoever they) knew we would figure that. Sometimes I think that every tiny part is engineered: the “losing faith in the institution” and “rebelling” were calculated in the script.
They are engineering a collapse, that’s evident by the day. They want us to be upset… they want us to go (partly) in the street and reclaim our liberties… Are we getting pushed to start a revolution?
Day and night I am trying to figure out a Black Swan: Something that the New World Order didn’t think would happen. It would require something massive, like, the rest of the world coming together and saying fuck-it to the institution. Not paying anything anymore.
Every plan has a weak link.
What is the NWO weak link?
The human factor.
That’s why they try to project themselves into quantum computers They discovered immortality through genetic modification and else (if you know what else is, you get me). They will create their utopia with very little humans… (other than, say, slaves).
They want a hunger game world.
Every part of our world has been engineered… studied… they know how to pull things here or there… We are puppets.
But this is only true if we accept this role! We have free will. We do not have to enter their little dystopian world.
It seems to me that they are actually pushing the Fourth Turning into the Americas.
Or… maybe I am overthinking it: maybe the power that be are that stupid! Maybe they didn’t expect people to get suddenly upset over the vaccine and Bill Gates. Maybe that’s why documentaries are going offline on youTube and Google and Facebook are doing mass censoring. Maybe we are actually throwing a wrench in their plans!
Be suspicious if the media talks a lot about revolution or outrest: the medium is the message and it is fear. Collapse. Anarchy. When and if they are pushing this, you can bet that’s what they want.
Remember: the game isn’t for 2020-2021, but rather from 1776 to 2100+. This is a multi-generation coup over humanity. Bloodlines is what matters here. Does it mean we don’t fight for our liberties and freedom? Hell no. It means that it won’t be an easy fight: it won’t be done via likes on Instagram. We might need to work a bit more.
There is one thing –one thing– that they don’t expect us to do: and that is, to work all together.
Or to shut down the economy by disrupting the chain supply.
Or to stop respecting the law.
Thing is, they want a revolution in their term. I don’t think we should play according to their rules but to ours.
If they want controlled-anarchy, we can give them untrammelled freedom.
If they are guiding the sheep off to the slaughterhouse, maybe it’s time for the sheepdogs to intervene.
“In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousandfold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers, we are not simply protecting their trivial old age, we are thereby ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.”