Magnetic anomaly: It's endgame.
It’s finally happening.
UPDATE: Must read this and this (archive here for the last link).
I highly encourage you to watch the two videos below.
I never wanted to write this article. Not now. Not here. Not that soon.
I thought we had a bit time to go… But, huh: the big split is happening meow. The One is unfolding.
Grab something to drink – a cold lager will do –, cause this article is not a bearer of any good news… it’s more like the harbinger of something that the Mayans and Plato preached about: The destruction of the world by fire.
It’s one of those articles that you don’t really feel like writing, but that you just need to. The fate of the world depends on it! I’m exaggerating just a tiny bit. But here at The Most Beautiful World, I’m preaching the truth, and the truth is rarely comfortable. Truth is, we’re racing towards oblivion, due to a triad of bad news: Canfield Ocean, Magnetic Pole Reversal and CME.
In this article, we will dive into the magnetic pole reversal going on. Grab a beer, for hell is coming for breakfast.
Taken with the wonderful fuji x-h1 with the 35mm f/1.4
Well, it’s no wonder that The Power That Be are trying so damn hard to divert/entertain us! Masks vs no-maskers issues, civil war drums in the air… Meanwhile, top officials are hiding in their bunkers. For a virus that has a lethality rate of 0.005%? Riiiiight.
We have more or less 20 years before a magnetic pole reversal. Might be super quick tho. Like, 2025. Who knows!
The big deal is that as the field becomes weaker and weaker, more solar radiation will penetrate through the magnetic field and get to us… and might kill us of all when it reaches a certain threshold. In the words of NASA: “When a particularly strong storm of particles from the Sun reaches Earth, the Van Allen belts can become highly energized and the magnetic field can be deformed, allowing the charged particles to penetrate the atmosphere."
In other words, 99% of the people on Earth will die whenever this reversal happens. The Mayans were right. Make sure to read A World in Collision by Immanual Velikovski! What’s about to reset the world is coming at us from the sky. I highly recommend this book. This study also shows how the last extinction of the living things were made by a pole reversal. Portraits accurately what’s about to happen. The CIA declassified a document back in 2013 illustrating what would happen.
NASA is blunt about it: “There's something very strange happening high above South America and the nearby Atlantic Ocean, and NASA is on the case” (source)
There’s a CME about to hit us as I write these lines. This is not the big one, but this civilization is now in unchartered territories. There are so many questions left unasnswered. Why did the FBI shut down the Dunn Solar Telescope (Sunspot Solar Observatory) in New Mexico in September 2018? What did these scientists see? Whatever they did see was enough for them to get shutdown.
If you read through the lines of this article, it’s the end of the world.
I don’t know how to feel about it. I knew it was coming. But no amount of knowledge ever prepares you to realize that, in-fucking-deed, the world that you loved is more or less over. Make no mistake: this coronavirus thing is more about a Coronal Mass Ejection preparation than the virus itself.
The world is about to get wiped-away.
Reminds me of this article by a whistle-blower, 4 years ago. He was right, obviously. I rarely believe any random users saying things like that on 4chan and reddit, but this guy… this guy was right for 2020.
I encourage you to read the whole thread on this mirror. Below, some interesting screencaps. Remember: the whole original thread got nuked 3 months ago, after my big post on the incoming asteroid
So, the shadow government has underground cities. NASA is reporting that the magnetic field is opening up. There is 33% of a CME according to the Deutsche Bank within the next 10 years. From the article” “Other options include a globally-catastrophic volcanic eruption, a major solar flare, or a global war. More worryingly still, the outlook is statistically even more dire when the time frame shifts to two decades. The analysts announced there is then a 56 percent chance of one of these disasters occurring.”
56% chances that hell is coming for breakfast within the next two decades. If I’d be you, I’d focus on living the best life now, and chase all of your dreams right now. The morrow is very uncertain.
Take care,
Must read: The Adam and Eve story by the CIA.