The most reasonable thing to do.
Dancing after the music stops.
Like, you got a vote on that.
But not the rest. Welcome to the Game of Life.
Enjoying life in 2020
Making coffee with an Aeropress on the tail gate of my truck. This is what my life has come to.
Finally found the motivation to write something new. I know, I know. 40 days was too long of a break, but it was natural, so I didn’t resist it. I went full Wu wei style (Wu wei is an early Chinese term that means literally no doing or no trying.”)
This whole New World Order got to me, you know. The more you know… the scarier it gets. If you know the real past of our history, we live in very precarious times.
And so I forgot that I was an energy wave surfing on the ebbs of a big galactic ocean of love and light.
Back in 2015, I was made aware of, as we call in the scientific community, the “Canfield Ocean”. I grew so convince that the end of the world was coming for breakfast in the next decade that I decided to go as hard as possible. I lived each and everyday like it was the last, cause I actually believe I was living on borrowed time.
I encourage you to read this article by Robert Scribbler. I also recommend to read Under A Green Sky, which is an excellent and underrated book on the Canfield Ocean science.
In a nutshell, the ocean starts running out of oxygen and turns pink/purple, and the sky turns green. Fun stuff. Here’s a copy/pasta of Scribbler:
“At issue is the fact that the waters off Oregon are increasingly warm. They are increasingly low oxygen or even anoxic. Conditions that are prime for the production of some of the world’s nastiest ancient species of microbes. The rotten-eggs smelling hydrogen sulfide producing varieties. The variety that paint the waters green (or turquoise as described by Jeanine Sbisa above) or even an ugly black. And there is one primordial creature in particular that thrives in warm, low-oxygen, funky-smelling water. An organism that’s well known for coloring bodies of water purple — the purple sulfur bacteria.”
I forgot about that until last week. I mean, –okay, ego talk– I travelled twice around the world, worked over 10 000 hours, wrote 4 books, a music album and drive about 200 000 kms through the Americas with my Jeep and other cars. Who has time to think about The End? I went on a safari in Africa, went chasing wild monkey with my Nikon camera on some remote island in Malaysia, went to the Bolivian jungle and more or less saw all of the Americas. I forgot about the end of the world. Well, it’s more than that. I decided to focus on living rather than on dying.
I realized that I was the whole world: I was the creator, the architect of the most beautiful world. It is through the living-breath (logos) that we create reality. And so the thought of dying wasn’t very worth of my time and energy.
I chased the most beautiful world.
The Jeep in the Patagonia, March 2020. Feels like an eternity ago!
Drinking wine in Tina in March 2020, as the world was ending.
I built it.
I wrote it.
I fucking breath it.
Playing music in Brazil, state of Bahia or something like that.
But in the game of life, sometimes you don’t have a vote on things. We are part of the matrix of reality and not separated from it. We have a vote on our happiness. We have a vote on our state of mind. We don’t have a vote on accidents and shit like that. The generations prior to us had a vote on the destruction of the planet, and the elites went full veto-mode on that vote.
We killed ourselves by killing the planet.
And now it is payback time! If you are not really convinced about how human beings played a role in the utter destruction of its habitat, read some Farley Mowat. Sea of Slaughter would be a good start. The Sixth Extinction isn’t that good. Six Degrees by Marc Lynas is wonderful.
Point is, the oceans are growing more and more into an anoxic environment. This is a good article on the topic. This paper is what you want to read. The oceans are losing their oxygens. Pollution. Warming. Whatever the cause is, we are engineering our own demise. Well, we did. Now, it is too late. We could geo-engineer ourselves out of this clusterfuck, but I wouldn’t place my bet on this.
I wanted to believe I was crazy to think that it could happen in our lifetime. I started enjoying life too much!
I forgot about it until this guy posted about something funny going on around the world: some people, all over the Earth, are noticing a weird smell. Rotten egg like. Sulfuric odor. Read his Part 13 here, Part 14 here and Part 15.
I won’t talk much more about the Canfield Ocean theory. Robert Scribbler, Under A Green Sky and the Reddit OP’s article 13, 14 and 15: these are enough for you to get a grasp of what’s happening.
A fake pandemic. Was it fake? Was it a rehearsal for a more potent bio-weapon? Was it just a dry-run?
I believe so. But that’s a small fraction of what is happening.
But here is what I know:
1) We are overdue for a supervolcano (such yellowstone) to blow off;
2) We might get hit by a Coronal Mass Ejection at any moment;
3) The Earth magnetic field is decaying at a (too?) fast rate;
4) The poles are in the process of reversing;
5) We are entering a little ice period (cooling cycle of the sun);
6) Nothing –nothing– in what we learned in school is true: it was only a program. The main point is that you were separated from the rest of the creation through a despolient condition. You are god (not The One), you are the totally of creation. You are One with it all. You are consciousness in a body for a very short sojourn on Earth.
7) They are an infinity dimension of reality. You choose the one you want to be in, but sometimes, you get dragged into one, due to things that we don’t understand. The matrix can decide to go at a lower frequency. Example: some spiritual entities are trying to bring us into a man-made Apocalypse with this plandemic and civil war vibe. We don’t have to play according to their game.
8) The oceans are running out of oxygen.
9) The Elites are creating hell on Earth, to trap us in the third dimension of things. They have underground cities ready to live in when SHTF. To enter these cities, maybe they will require you to get a chip ( stuff).
10) To build on the last point, we are not there yet on forced vaccination and chipping. There is a need for a crazy trauma. A whistleblower came on reddit 2 years ago predicting a bunch of things for 2020. The thread got deleted one month ago. I got screencaps, fortunately. I’ll post them eventually. He said that America will feel empty, like really empty. This is haunting me sometimes. Was he legit? And if yes, what the hell he’s saying? What does it mean?
11) COVID19 wasn’t a failed bio-engineered virus. They didn’t want to kill anybody yet. They just wanted to see how the system would react to a pandemic. Wait for Pandemic 2 has Bill Gates told us.
12) The Elites are prepping for the absolute end of the world as we know it. They believe in population reduction and controlled fascism. They are engineering a Black-Mirror-like reality, where one will be trapped into his apartment, playing video games to make money (Yes, Microsoft has a patent on a microchip embedded in you and generating cryptocurrency when you obey the movement the game dictates you. The name of the patent is 2020-060606. I shit you not).
Check the date too.
They are pushing hard on Agenda 30, which is a Brave New Normal of a world. It’s communism as fuck, don’t you worry. There won’t be a WW3 because WW2 never ended. The commies rather spread to the USA via Operation Paperclip and Argentina. They became the Deep State. They kept doing their mind control experimentation on living human beings even in Montreal at McGill University, up till the 70s! MKUltra isn’t a conspiracy: it’s very real. Hitler got framed solidly by some higher them him. The commies got smarter. They are playing the long game. I mean, they’ve been playing us since… 400 years, solidly. Solidly. So much so that many people, if not the majority, are not aware that Chiacgo used to look like this in the late 1800s.
World Fair 1893 Columbian Exposition
Okay, the photos above are from the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893. But the whole story of its construction and destruction is so fishy that one is led to believe that we got lie on the real history of the Americas. Feel free to go down the rabbit hole.
They want an utopia à la Hunger Games. The cattle will be forced to get mark to play the game, to eat, to make money. Picture the Great 2020 Lockdown but on steroid. They might use any catastrophic event to impose their dystopian world.
The last point is terrifying. Because I saw neighbours calling the cops here in Canada, to snitch their neighbours breaking quarantine rules. I saw that! If this is possible in 2020, wait until the sheep are utterly traumatize with, I don’t know, say a fucking asteroid coming in hot, and they’ll be ready to do anything. Just being against vaccination is a crime in Canada. I exaggerated, but you certainly lose your profession as a doctor or nurse if you dare to question The Science Playbook. Or look at country like Denmark, whom made it mandatory to receive a future Covid19 vaccine whenever it is possible.
The timeline in which the power that be are playing is a mystery. What we know, so far, is they know things that we don’t. The known unknowns, the unknown knowns, and of course the unknown unknowns.
We know that they want a new world order. They took down their a few days ago, but I found some records in some archives. Here’s some screencaps.
The New World Order is no joke.
Of course.
They want to keep control over the cattle during and after a catastrophic event. They might release a very bad virus, in which you’ll absolutely need the vaccine to fonction in society. Who knows! They did it in the past (1918 influenza was bio-engineered). They love to reset humanity whenever the collective consciousness gets too awake.
Their goal is control for the sake of power. And the ultimate goal of power is power itself. That simple. Power for the sake of power. Power to trap humanity in the third dimension.
We are entering a very dystopian world. However, we are not in unchartered territories. Knowing the history of the world and the lies of it, it helps understanding that there is an incoming Reset.
There is hope. Project yourself in the most beautiful world, dance on the ceiling of your imagination, stay in the attic of the little house of emotions you built through the Many Worlds. The Power That Be has zero vote on your happiness, on your soul. Your soul is infinite and all powerful. You are immortal. Your body is not. But your consciousness is. Learn the twelfth dimension of reality.
Learn the fabric of reality, so you might be able to dance after the music stops (yeah, I shamelessly plugged my book, cause it’s fucking amazing, and free if you can’t afford it.)
ps: if you are bored and need to read things about what this world is, start here. That is the ultimate reading list.
More reading:
Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development and the Plan of Implementation PDF
The Future We Want by the UN PDF
Global Vaccine Program 2011-2020
The Illegal Use of BioWeapon PDF (you want to read this one for sure)
More bullshit PDF (Roadmap for the EU on vaccination 2019-2022)