The Scariest Time of Your Life.
But also the best time of your life.
“if the ocean can calm itself,
so can you. We are both salt water mixed with air.”
Words are failing me these days.
Where to run to, when you see the Elites’ game plan? This is a three fronts war upon us, citizen of the most beautiful world: economically, spiritually and socially. Fronts with many folds. They are engineering our financial ruins. But that is not that bad per se. Money is only a game, after all. But what’s not a game is our soul and our human nature. We are divine creatures. And they don’t want the collective consciousness to get too awake.
And so every time we get to that point of awakedness, The Power That Be does a reset. If you know 1% of the history of the world –and the real history, the one learned on Russian forums and in Russian books (I wish I was kidding, but the best source of information is often found in Russian material… Think Anatol Famenko, Itzhak Bentov, Immanuel Velikovsky)– you must be freaking out right now. If you feel like a frozen deer in front of an incoming unstoppable cargo train, bond to the track of the train by a mixed of curse knowledge and folly, you’re normal and absolutely fine.
We are in March 1994 in Kigali, type of feeling. You can feel it in the air. The tension. The signs in the sky. The gut feelings.
Never mind about the sun acting up or that the tectonic plates are moving, or some random hotspots around the USA are increasing.
Never mind about Joe Biden talking about a Dark Winter or the whistleblowers left and right screaming about isolation camps getting build.
Never mind about the Slovakian military going door to door to administer a test that doesn’t work.
The real deal is getting organized by the psychos at the World Economic Forum. They are sneering at us with their Build Back Better and The Great Reset thingy. That is what keeps me up at night sometimes.
The Great Reset. Let’s talk about it for 2 seconds. It is not a misnomer. It is also not a metaphor. It’s really what’s about to happen, like it did back in the early 1800s. Like it probably did 12 800 years ago. Like it did 25 600 years ago. Side note; 2046 is our upper limit of that Reset, but 2020 (or 2012, if using a non-satanic calendar… say, using the Ethiopian calendar, but don’t quote me on that), is the start of it. Which is why it’s name The Great Reset. They are literally creating a world with the logos. Reminds me of something. Playing God, wanting to be like Him. Wanting to get full Ex-Nihilo power.
They are laughing at us in our face. The mass of zombies around us are not even aware that their overlord is planning their extermination. Or not extermination per se: I just think they won’t save us. You would need to go underground to save yourself and mankind.
Wanna read their blueprint? Go ahead and read this book by Klaus Schwab (actually written by another psycho, Mary Anne Malleret)
Or actually, read one of the best review:
“They planned the downfall of economies worldwide with a designer pneumonia. They got the Cartoon News Network and derivatives wrapped around their finger to do their bidding... and now they are appointing themselves as our global Gods. Ha!
Lies, lies, lies, lies. Why do we keep falling for these historical power grab schemes? It's not like we can afford to keep learning from the same mistake because technology, surveillance and bio terrorism is advancing exponentially. Eventually it won't matter by how much we outnumber these freaks due to their access to first-hand cutting edge tech.
There's a section called: "Reinventing humanness." That should tell you something. It's mind boggling how pathological this reads - stern and full of empty platitudes. I don't think they are very convincing, but all you need to do is say you're a marxist nowadays.
"Neo-liberal" capitalism didn't fail us. Federal Central banking did. It is the marriage of big gov and big corp and guaranteed banking bailouts that ate away our purchasing power and economy. Very convenient to say that the mess these freaks set up and ran with until it crashed somehow equated to a free market.
These old crooks are the same that benefitted from the system they are now erasing. I guess having all the money in the world isn't as great as having all the power with it. What? You think Zuck, Bezos and Gates are cheerleaders of socialism? Maybe for you.
It's unfortunate the masses don't believe in small government to be the solution to the problems these beaurocrat crooks create and hide away from. They have effectively scared us away from freedom in the name of safety from the terrorism they continually inflict. Ashamed of my generation for falling for this crap.
This is outline of our future, it doesn't matter how much we fight. It's coming.
The conspiracists were right all along - it isn't a theory anymore and it has Rothschild written all over it. See, all of the corporations partnered with the WEF are listed on their website. One of them is Gucci, which recently released a 'Build Back Better' propaganda ad with none other than a Rothschild and miss Jane Fonda, who was recently quoted saying: "COVID is God's gift to the left."
Even further out of the horses' mouth was miss Lynn Forester de Rothschild letting us know that "Covid will change capitalism forever."
Make no mistake, this is the scariest moment of your life-time and you should question whether or not it sounds like a good idea to adopt the solutions imposed by the rulers and destroyers. The Rothschild have funded both sides of historical conflicts for at least hundreds of years. Does it sound similar to the social unrest that has plagued the U.S. and the world?
This is a crime against humanity. Our world is ruled by pure evil.”
I could not have said it better. There’s nothing normal about this new normal, and this Great Reset is going to be the bed of Procrutes for us all: you either fit in, and by fitting in you have to cut all of your freedom and privacy, or you don’t, and there’s isolation camp aka mental asylum (see the article I did about that).
History just repeats itself.
Eyes open, and start planning your escape route now. Cause tomorrow, they’ll come knocking to your door. And tomorrow is happening now in Slovakia or Victoria (Australia).
We’re already in a zombie apocalypse, heading straight into a technocratic totalitarianism on a global scale. Fuck this bullshit.
And with that being said, today you are alive. And with this aliveness comes a new opportunity to, well, live. And maybe living right now is what we ought to do. Untrammelledly free.
Have fun, I guess.
ps: Further reading: