The Way Out Is The Way In
Tranquility, Fearlessness, and Freedom.
Three words to live by.
ai en aristeuein, semper et in perpetuum
““Honor,” writes Burckhardt, “is often what remains after faith, love, and hope are lost.”
“To the highest God in his honor, To my neighbor that he may instruct himself from it.”
“The essence of warriorship, or the essence of human bravery, is refusing to give up on anyone or anything.
There’s no middle ground when the news comes to the room: You are dying.
It fucks everything up, doesn’t it?
Make yourself a coffee or crack a damn cold one, this is a long and dense post. I made it for the mass, so its shareable. I don’t go full holofractal or good ole Bob Monroe or Akashic-ish in this one, so no worries here. I, however, do flip a table or two in the temple of decadence that is the interwebs. Brought a jerry can of kerosene, we’re about to burn those whole goddamn tables too!
They want compliance, obedience, and submission.
Well. How about no. I’m sorry, but the Earth is closed today.
We’ll give em hell! We’ll give em hell by refusing to willingly participate in any further of their degenerate plans of mass enslavement. If there was a time to stop complying with any government order, now would be about the time. The way the Spartan did. Death before the defeat of the soul!
But I’m getting ahead of myself here. Let’s go back a bit.
A goat eats grass and we turn its milk into cheese. A goat doesn’t talk about how much grass it ate to deliver the milk.
No. It just does. It is also to be noted that a goat does not talk, period. Maybe there’s wisdom in there.
And so it is a sort of faux-pas for writers to mention the number of books and PDFs that they went through for their books or articles. The crucible of our work is often condensed in too short of a blurb: people want to read the titles, the big bold flashy subtitles, and the conclusion. Sadly.
And today I break the rule –all of them!– goddamn, out of sheer low GAFF (Give A Fuck Factor) vibe hovering in my living room. You see, the sun is shining through the window. It’s a winter day here in the NWT of Canada. Cold outside, third coffee in, and I write like my goddamn life depends on it. Because it sure does, doesn’t it. Isn’t the logos that supports us anyway, isn’t what sustains us through the journey through the Many Worlds, isn’t the logos that breathes over the inert ashes of the driest of our bones and turns them into a set of wings, to give us another chance to slay Amyntor?
The backstage is set for an erudition of stuff and things to be said, cause, what the hell, who’s gonna raise hell if I don’t?
I spent most of my 20s reading.
I read everything.
Breaky was a bowl of B. Peterson, washed by James P. Carse words, and dinner was a cold plate of truths on the Jocko Willink Podcast. Name dropping’s only useful when you try to piss Nassim Taleb or my ex-girlfriend off or get published in the New York Times. Anyway, I might have read a couple of hundred thousand pages since the start of my 20s. Fuck, Aristotle said that education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity and I took him seriously. I cannot imagine how I would have survived in 2020 if it wasn’t for the little foundation that I built over the years. Thanks to Tai Lopez (he’s the reason why I started to read a book a day).
I’m telling you that –well, actually, offering you this information on a silver plate for you to dissect with your own little sword of wisdom and discernment– for two reasons.
One is “that true poetry is always in the nature of a gift, and that it, therefore, presupposes the dignity of its recipient” as Montale said. May you find inspiration to read a ton, as a way to give back dignity for those to come. We must read in preparation for refounding civilization. True knowledge is a gift to be bestowed to the heirs of the world to come. If not me, then who? Be the man that can refound civilization.
Secondly, so you know that when I jump between two conclusions, say, how the Great Reset is the harbinger of a mass extermination plan, I’m not fucking crazy. Or, say, when I make the claim that there is a global communist takeover, I am not a lunatic. It’s based on 10 000 hours of reading. It’s based on weird Russian forums and forums that got nuked out of existent because it was cracking the very foundation of the dike of knowledge withholding the flood of information and secrets for the mass. It’s based on 500 books about philosophy and history and physics and thousands of hours of podcasts. I sure damn hope that I’d be able to recognize the signature of a communist coup!
The leak in the dike always starts from within, and the Elites (the names that shall not be named, under the fear of getting suicided) prefer to simply nuke the whole goddamn dike instead of patching the leaky one (RIP StolenHistory dot org). The dike analogy isn’t a terrific one, I’ll stop using it. Hope you get the picture, however. A more talented writer might have sustained the analogy a tad longer, and round off the edge of its inter-dimension existence in our heads but today JP doesn’t give a fuck, so, sorry ‘bout that.
Moving forward, I need to do a disclosure. I do have an agenda. Beware of any writer that doesn’t. I want to convince you that we are facing a full communist global coup. It shouldn’t be too hard for you to come to the same conclusion if you have one ounce of critical thinking in your spirit. My hope is that you resist it.
My hope is that together, we re-establish the free –and beautiful– world. My hope is that some of you will keep on carrying the Divine Spark and tell the younger generation what it means to be a real human being (that is, a free, divine being, the creator of reality itself!). I might die. You might survive. Together, we might be able to tell our kids what it means to be a human being.
I reached a point where I wanted to become a Catholic priest… to gain access to the 85 kilometres long underground secret library under the Vatican! But even without access to the Library of Alexandria, the Truth, the universal One, is available to us all.
The Truth is reached on a spiritual plane of existence, where words are meaningless, and where spiritual experience is everything.
Ever wondered what is the Question and why is the answer 42?
Yep, you got it: Nikolas Tesla’s connection with project Looking Glass, Project Camelot, and Operation Montauk. Stargate and the Monroe Institute will fast-track your understanding of the nature of reality, and therefore make you understand the Question.
Or, if you’re lazy, pick-up Douglas Adam’s The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy, cause that’s closer to reality than many non-fiction books about science.
So in today’s article – I am still in the introduction, dousing the tables of pretense with a generous flow of kerosene, I want to make a bonfire tonight that’s visible from space – I will stand tall on the incommensurable amount of knowledge gained through the years, digest all of that beautiful bullshit and tell you how to survive the unfolding communist takeover of our world. Why? Cause I can, John-de-Texas. Cause I fucking can.
“Easiness is the impediment of greatness, and standing tall on the ground of your own strength of character, facing the tsunami of madness coming at you, with the sword of Truth in your hand and the shield of love covering the small ones surrounding you for protection, yes – that, that right there, that is what a man of value ought to do.
For if you live by the truth and you abide to the things of the More Beautiful World –the Kingdom of Heaven–, you will live with honour and dignity, and often these things are the only thing that you bring with you to heaven. It is, often, your only legacy. ”
Part 1
James Stockdale wrote: “True leaders must be willing to stake out territory and identify and declare enemies.” And so it is my duty, as a man and ambassador of the free world (you’re such a thing too, if you happen to frequent this blog), and also as a carrier of the Divine Spark (I’ll explain that one in a later book), to declare the WHO, the World Economic Forum, the Trudeau Administration, and all of the governments bending the knees to the UN, common enemies of the free –and the most beautiful– world. Those are our enemies.
We are assisting at the utter destruction of our freedoms and liberties. We cannot sit still much further.
The time is not to reach for the sword (well, depends if the commies are coming for your arm with a needle, then all bets are off and bring down a few in the process –learn from Solzhenitsyn’s mistake in the Gulags Archipelago. Or go full Krishnamurti if you’re at that level of the Game of Life: each its way of dealing with it, but never stay silent. Raise hell.) but rather it is a time to assemble and refound civilization in a place where we can be free.
Meow. Is there still such a place on the face of the Earth? We need to find the place. We need to make a new country. A new society. Yes, we need to pattern our way out of this clusterfuck, but we need a field to garden tomatoes and space to raise goats and make cheese. There’s strength in numbers. Vires en numeris.
Restarting civilization after the incoming CME or the magnetic pole shift will suck big time, so better do it now while we can. We need to endure, for our descendants have the right to know what it meant to be a free human being. The Elites and their herd will re-emerge in hundred of years out of their sealed bunker and will refound their world their own fucking way, and it’s gonna be fucking dystopian, and fucking technocratic totalitarian world. A fucking Hunger Game one. Fuck that!
And so we must –we must, must, must, at all cost, at any cost– endure the game of life to carry the Divine Spark to newer generations of sentient beings. We must endure whatever is coming within the next two decades for the sake of mankind. We are about to get enslaved once again, and it’s gonna be hard for us all to get out of their technocratic Matrix.
Hell, the new generation might not even know what it means to hug someone or to party on a beach with a hundred people surrounding them. No privacy, no ownership. Slavery is freedom. They might live like the clones in the movie The Island (notice the 6-feet apart, and notice the voice telling em to stay happy and healthy. Not bad for a 2005 movie. Future reality for our kids is that movie, the True Man Show and Elysium).
We must do whatever we can to make sure there is an alternate way of living. Of course, many young people will want that Ready Player One type of reality, where you get a monthly income from the gov to stick a 3D pair of glass in front of your face and live in an alternate reality. But some won’t. And we must be there for those we do not want to live a fake life. After all, as Dr. Thomas Cowan wrote in the Cosmic Heart, “the known things that nourish our parasympathetic nervous system are contact with nature, loving relations, trust, economic security, and sex.” All things they want to ban and replace with fake experiences of those things.
You see… The fun of the Game of Life is raising hell and living on the edge, therefore doing the whole circle of life –that circle, the cycle of life– that is what makes us a human being. The proximity to death. I wrote a whole chapter on that in the past.
Death is a gift. And the psychos at the head of the New World Order don’t want to give that much power to the new generations. That beautiful gift of dying, that’s going away. That is a strategy. You’ll live forever, forever in a state of disaffection, forever in a state of utter dissatisfaction from reality, and forever dissected from your true nature. Sounds like hell to me. Think that I’m bullshitting you? Read what Klaus Schwab wrote (well, his ghostwriter) in The Great Reset: Blueprint for yadayada. They are pushing transhumanism hard.
And I want none of it. Let’s burn that motherfucking ship to the ground before we all sink in amnesia and forget what it meant to be a free human being –what it meant to be capable of dying and sinking and feeling the pain.
There is only happiness for there’s sorrow.
There is only life because there’s death.
There is only beauty, cause there’s ugly.
There is freedom, cause there’s slavery too.
And there’s only hatred on this Earth to show us the grandeur of Love.
“What if the goal of the Game of Life is not not-sinking, not not-dying, but rather just having a helluva good time battling chaos and mayhem, and drowning in the process, and experiencing rebirth, and coming to a place named shore and dancing the heck out of our existence?”
Oh but it’s more than pretty words put together.
They are planning to remove our fundamental right to die. I’ll remind the reader that this is exactly the last sacred cow of our chart of rights and liberties. Death is the tenet of our freedom. Cause without dying, there is no living, and you can be goddamn sure about that. They already removed that very right in prisons. That is why jails are so painful. Any person has the inherent right –fuck, that still feels like an understatement– to kill themselves. That is the right that shall never be infringed. We agreed to remove that right for inmates in societies, a hundred years ago. A brilliant way to punish someone. Cruel, but works wonder, or so is the rhetoric of that argument. But now, The Power That Be are about to do the same… to us all. They are about to convert us all into inmates. Prison planet style. And it isn’t like dying wasn’t a taboo before, but now it will be even more.
We were already a death-phobic civilization, which is what made us so controllable. But the mass started to wake themselves up from the illusion of their reality. The principles that we were abiding by stop making sense. We started to wake up to this bullshit Western Civilization and start to shake the kingpins that support the system. It wasn’t necessarily the outcome de facto of our civilization, but it went this route. The preaching of division was a mistake, for a house divided against itself will always fall. The Tower of Babel fell because of the division incurred by languages. So maybe when we rebuild our world, let’s teach a language older than words. May we arise from the mistakes of the past in a new language of love and music and art and all that is beautiful.
And so, in the span of about 150 years, we woke up. Thus, the Elites must do a new reset, all over again. But this time, there is also a magnetic polar shift about to occur, and fire from the sky about to go down upon us. A classic. We are all facing death (well, we were all born to die anyway). I do not fear it. I fear that no free and divine human beings survive the incoming catastrophe, and the Elites will have a blank slate to form a new world, a world of slavery of the soul –the tyranny of the mind–, and just a downright fucking communist world. I mean, they are already setting the table for it. Fuck this shit.
I want someone to remind the next generation in 20 or 40 years that the Elites are pure evil. They will delete books. They will forge their own reality. Bill Gates will appear like Jesus. The BC/AC will mean Before Coronavirus and After Coronavirus. They’ll go so far as cancelling Jesus-Christ and the Bible. They failed for 500 years, but maybe this time they’ll get it right. They have the tools to do so.
They are patterning a fake apocalypse, swerving us all into a dystopian nightmare, and leave us there in a state of limbo, connected to a screen 24/7, and surrounded by waves controlling our cerebral activities, right now. Can you imagine 30 years from today? No more guns, no more violence, no more religion, just a utopia! No more death, no more suffering… but also no more freedom, privacy, love, connection with the divine, and hell, life. No more life. They want sheep, and they’ll fucking get them.
After all, if you look at the number of zombies around you, drones submitting themselves to the Satan-worshiping Elites, bowing their knees to the pedophiles in power and mocking you for not complying… Yes. They’ll get their nice little sheep. And whoever’s too awake will get trimmed off. Oh, sorry. Cancelled. I mean, they literally made a video about it. Watch the scene below.
If your third eye is open, you’ll get cancelled.
Part 2.
We are salt and water sustained at a high vibration walking through in an holofractal universe where every possibility exists, where every trail awaits their collapse in a state of reality. And so, they are engineering our way into hell. Fear is the name of the game.
The Wuhan Flu aka Covid1984 was simply the catalyst for the power that be to plunge us all into communism. The constant erosion of our freedom didn’t start in 2001 either, and certainly not in 1947 or 1954. It started much further, around probably 1850 ish. Maybe 1859. There is a correlation between the Carrington Event, the World’s Fair, and the last great reset.
Remember when you could build a house anywhere on the planet? Remember when you could travel anywhere without a passport? Remember when you were free to walk anywhere, do anything, go anywhere, without permits, licenses, restrictions and fences? No? Exactly.
Wait another decade… We will say: “Remember when we could travel between Quebec and Newfoundland, freely?”, “Remember when we could gather in a church altogether?”, “Remember how we could start a business?”, “Remember when we could live without a smartphone?”, “Remember when we could own a car?”, “Remember when we could just disappear for weeks in a cabin without anyone knowing?”, “remember how could go camping in the wilderness?”
Wait for it – it is going to happen.
We ought to fight for what’s left of our freedom before we’ll all thrown in the gulags. The writing is on the wall, and it is in big bold FLASHING R E D L E T T E R S.
I made a cover for a future book after I wrote the above sentence. Felt inspired.
“What’s the bravest thing you ever did?
He spat in the road a bloody phlegm. Getting up this morning, he said.”
So. Well… How do we survive the upcoming decade? Well, that my friend, we’ll have to look at some people that did indeed survive previous commies’ takeovers or POW camps. Be aware: we only hear about these survivors cause they survived, and most of them died before they could even pen down a story. Or, sorry, they rather got cancelled. Oups.
And so many of us will die in the incoming two decades, because of these goddamn commies and technocrats psychos. Few of us will be able to tell our kids what life was, and ought to be. So fill your brain with knowledge and your heart with wiseness, cause you’ll need it.
As I said many times in the past, there won’t be a WW3, for WW2 was never entirely over. They just changed their strategy. They (the Elites) even paid for Nazi scientists to come over and work in the USA (see Operation Paperclip)… But that’s a story for a later day. Today, we’re tackling how to survive this communist coup taking place all over the world. Cause, let’s face it, that is exactly what is happening. I haven’t seen a whole bunch of men calling a spade, a spade these days, but that’s because the technocratic totalitarian psychos at the helm of the latest social platforms are censoring opinions not aligned with the most beautiful world (My buddies at Off-Guardians are doing a hell of a job, so check them out!)
Let me start with this quote from Charlie Plumb, author of I’m No Hero. This is the essence of communism in a senile sentence.
“Some POWs ate rice a grain at a time just to pass the day.”
But maybe before going further with these heroes of an older day, let’s talk about what is communism.
Communism is responsible for 100 million death in the last 100 years. As Laura M. Nicola puts it: “Communism cannot be separated from oppression; in fact, it depends upon it. In a communist society, the collective is supreme. Personal autonomy is nonexistent. Human beings are simply cogs in a machine tasked with producing utopia; they have no value of their own."
See where this is going? Notice the rhetoric getting forced down our throat since March 2020? “Wear a mask… for the others. Stay apart… to save lives… Protect the vulnerable… Shutdown the economy to save lives…for others”
You don’t get to decide anymore, so says your new overlord Billy Gates.
You don’t get to own anything anymore. A barcode defines your ability to go in and out of the country and buildings. Welcome to Singapore 2020, Ireland 2020 and soon the rest of the World. The only thing that the Common Pass doesn’t have is a common fucking sense. You don’t get to be for more of two hours with your family.
In this sick new world, the government dictates if you can work, if you can hang out with your family and friends if you can walk more than 5.1 kilometres away from your home. In this new world, you cannot go on camping trips, or swim in the ocean or go to the beach.
In your new normal, the government controls want you can buy at the grocery or supply store. In this new world, the cops can enter your home for no reason. Not in China – we’re talking about Canada here. The land of milk and honey!
In this new normal, the government can inject a substance in your body without your consent, against your goddamn will. Not only in Portugal, but in Denmark, Quebec and the state of Sao Paulo. They can impose a curfew over your city whenever they feel like, and for as long as they want to. Why? Cause they can, that’s fucking why. They can deploy roadblocks to stop you from travelling to a forest.
They can do whatever the hell they want – for there’s no resistance, or very little, and people just go full Stanford Experiment, and it is frightening if you happen to be able to think critically (a rarity these days!). There’s little resistance, and mass compliance in the name of the game to the mass of drones worshiping the god of normality (oh, as if it was the god to follow! The horror!)
Welcome to NSW.
If this is not communism, then I don’t know what this is.
This is a full-fledge communist takeover of the free world. Nothing short of it. And it’s perpetrated by ordinary men. Oh how history repeats itself!
“True citizens are not the audience of their government, nor its consumers; they are its makers. The same may be said of a viable culture. Culture is always arising, and those who participate in its ongoing creation will rightly want to question any cultural expression that comes to them wrapped in a right to exclude.”
Yes. True citizens are the makers of civilization itself. The government works for them, not the other way around, that would be blasphemy.
Gulags and POW prisons were not a thing from the Dark Age, but rather a normal thing of about 50 years ago. Remember: most guardians or prison wards were just following instructions. They were ordinary men, just punching in and out their time card and going home to a wife and kids, after a hard day torturing evil prisoners. Just following their orders.
Charlie was a Prisoner of War in Hanoi for 6 years. You can read his fascinating autobiography here and watch the 3 hours long interview with him, below. Do it, it’s excellent.
But that’s only a very small percentage of the actual knowledge you need for the coming decade. You need spiritual knowledge, more than anything. Spiritual knowledge and good ole’ 7.62 bullets. Kidding. Or am I. Fucking commies coming for ya! What would our great-grand-parents do? I mean, those who endured South Korea, Normandie, Germany, France, Italy, Japan? Their sacrifices were in vain, it was all a joke. It was engineered to kill most of the young men in the 1900s. Why? Cause they had to hide the history of the mid-1800s. They had to traumatize and kill everyone, to erase what really happened. So you would understand my concern when I hear The Great Reset everywhere as if it was a great thing. Fuck me, this is their agenda! This is how to do it! Get ready for a natural event, preparing the table years in advance. Once the celestial or geographical thing happens, they are ready, and force people into asylum or isolation camps. Then, they make a bunch of bullshit war to kill most people that could have remembered the old days. Rinse and repeat every 150 years, or whenever the collective consciousness gets fucking too close to Ascending.
So, hell, how to survive? You would want (as in, will power) to dive into the Epictetus school of thoughts. And to do that, there’s nothing better than a book written by James Stockdale. Jim is another POW, and also caught in Vietnam. His book, Thoughts of A Philosophical Fighter Pilot, is one of the most underrated books on the planet. I cannot praise Jim’s book enough. Go and buy it, and read it, twice if needed, and highlight it and take notes. It will change your life. It will help survive the next two decades. Yes, it is much, much better than A Man Search For Meaning. No comparison. But weirdly, you never hear about James’ book, don’t you? Why’s that? It’s too potent, that’s why.
Here’s a short intro about stoicism.
“Stoicism was a noble philosophy and proved more practicable than a modern cynic would expect. It brought together all the elements of Greek thought in a final effort of the pagan mind to create a system of morals acceptable to the classes that had abandoned the ancient creed; and though it naturally won only a small minority to its standards, those few were everywhere the best. Like its Christian counterparts, Calvinism and Puritanism, it produced the strongest characters of its time. Theoretically it was a monstrous doctrine of an isolated and pitiless perfectionism. Actually it created men of courage, and saintliness, and goodwill, like Marcus Aurelius,”
James Stockdale, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Epictetus –giants, giants human being that laid down a path for us to follow amidst the storm brewing over the horizon– came to the same conclusion: “That the essence of yourself, your inner self, is totally what you make it. Your moral purpose is of your own making. Your good and your evil are of your own making. And so it is with your deliverance and your destruction. No buck-passing.”
Few quotes from The Enchiridion:
“Enchiridion 9: Sickness is an impediment to the body, but not to the will unless itself pleases. Lameness is an impediment to the leg, but not to the will; and say this to yourself with regard to everything that happens. For you will find it to be an impediment to something else, but not true to yourself.”
“Enchiridion 17: Remember that you are an actor in a drama of such sort as the author chooses—if short, then in a short one: if long, then in a long one. If it is his pleasure that you should enact a poor man, see that you act it well; or a cripple, or a ruler, or a private citizen. For this is your business—to act well the given part; but to choose it belongs to another.”
There’s so much material in Stockdale’s book that every page is going to be highlighted! Because it’s brutal to read The Discourse by his pupil Allian (Epictetus never wrote a damn thing, or at least, it didn’t survive, so we have to content ourselves with what others wrote about him. It’s dense and somewhat dry. James takes all of that fine stoicism bullshit and digests it for us, but that’s only half of the story! He went through hell himself. He was a POW in Vietnam for seven years. He went through the crucible of pain and misery, and survived and throve and stayed sane by standing on his will and will alone.
His will to survive was the others. When asked why he decided to stay alive, he replied, for the man in the next cell.
Seven years.
Seven years of torture.
Stayed alive to be able to support the man next door.
And so there is a bit of wisdom in then, isn’t.
“It was only when I lay there on the rotting prison straw that I sensed within myself the first stirrings of good. Gradually it was disclosed to me that the line separating good and evil passes not between states nor between classes nor between political parties but right through every human heart, through all human hearts. And that is why I turn back to the years of my imprisonment and say, sometimes to the astonishment of those about me, “Bless you, prison, for having been in my life.”
“What is the fruit of your doctrines? someone asked Epictetus.
“Tranquility, fearlessness, and freedom,” he answered.
“If the ocean can calm itself, so can you. We are both salt water mixed with air.”
Books to calm your soul and to weather the storm:
- The Radiance Sutra;
- Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zealand;
- On Love and Loneliness;
- Shambala Warrior;
- The Wild Edge of Sorrow;
- Finite and Infinite Games;
- A Language Older Than Words.
The name of a sea on the moon.
A mind at rest, and a soul at peace.
Both in harmony and aligned with our chakras.
Tranquility of outcome. Not fearing the unknown.
Tranquility of breath. Breathing fully.
Tranquility. Cold headed calculated tranquillity.
Tranquility of being yourself.
Tranquility in dying.
Can you do it for me?
You become aware of the silences that exist between words, between actions, choices, results, changes. That’s where you grow—in those silences, said Richard in Embers: One Ojibway's Meditations. Where there is tranquillity, there’s silence and where there’s silence, there’s growth.
“When you are in the right relationship with yourself and your environment, you transmit harmonious energy into the world around you. You create an area of harmonious vibration around yourself in which everything unfolds successfully. A positive attitude always leads to success and creativity. Negativity by contrast is always destructive and aimed at disruption. There is a certain category of individual who prefer to look for problems rather than their solution. This type of person is always happy to discuss their difficulties and seek out new obstacles. People like this usually have trouble offering a practical way out of a situation because they are programmed to search for difficulties rather solutions. A determination to focus on problems will bring them to you in abundance, leaving you stuck with the situation that is causing you grief. ”
The solutions to our predicament are certainly not more guns, ammo or technology.
The solution is a spiritual one.
“If you want to protect yourself from “fear and guilt,” and those are the crucial pincers, the real long-term destroyers of will, you have to get rid of all your instincts to compromise, to meet people halfway. You have to learn to stand aloof, never give openings for deals, never level with your adversaries.”
There’s something terrifying in a man that doesn’t fear death itself.
There’s something fucking insane about a man that is already dead and made it beyond the grave –at least on a meta-physical level– and received absolution at the altar of unity for the eternal separation of him and the divine.
But I wouldn’t fear such a man, personally.
I would fear the man that has a deep understanding of the rules of power and the ways of the mind. It’s all a mind game anyway. And there’s no firewall to the mind, generally speaking.
So you need one, to protect your mind. Fearlessness comes from experience on the battleground. The crucible of it will make –or break– you.
Build the firewall with these books.
- Endurance;
- 12 Strong;
- Can’t Hurt Me;
- Adrift;
- 438 Days;
- Stalingrad;
- Shake Hands With The Devil;
- Unbroken;
- Lone Survivor;
- I’m No Hero;
- Fearless;
- Kon Tiki;
- Reality Transurfing.
Then go live a little bit, on the edge of life itself. On the edge of life itself.
On the sharp edge of ponderous thoughts about your own cold mortality. There’s warmth in there. Guaranteed.
Never comply with insane orders. Never surrounded by madness. Never give up on fear or guilt. Rise against them, and protect your will. “You have to be one person and stick with the role you have chosen for yourself”, as Epictetus said.
Here’s how to stop communism. Stop complying. No more mask wearing. No more bullshit. No more complying to non-sense. No insanity. Now. Today. Stop complying.
Raise hell if need to: we’ve come from too far away to surrender here and there. We ought to bring the whole edifice down if they ask us to submit and bow down.
The only reason that we are falling once again into a massive scale form of oppression –communism– is because you are complying. That’s right. If everybody would refuse to do something that is absurd, like closing their gyms or restaurants for a disease with an extremely low lethality for people under 70 years of age, then we would be in the normal world.
“Why are we always conforming? Where there is conformity there cannot be freedom, obviously. Yet the mind is always seeking freedom—the more intelligent, the more alert, the more aware it is, the greater the demand. The mind conforms, imitates, because there is more security in conformity, in following a pattern. That’s an obvious fact. You do all kinds of things socially because it is better to conform. You may be educated abroad, you may be a great scientist, politician, but you always have a sneaking fear that if you don’t go to temples or do the ordinary things that you have been told to do, something evil might happen, so you conform. What happens to the mind that conforms? Investigate it, please. What happens to your mind when you conform? First of all, there is a total denial of freedom, total denial of perception, total denial of independent inquiry. When you conform there is fear. Right?
Oh John. Could you have said it better?
May your soul rest in ever peace.
What is freedom? Maybe we should approach freedom via negativa, that is, via the elimination of what it is not.
Freedom is free. Freedom isn’t a given. Freedom is never given back once taken, or at least, not without a hegemony of hemoglobins convoluting on itself on the dark alleys of our history.
Freedom of self is the purest form of love. True freedom is untrammelled.
What do I mean by untrammelled freedom?
I mean the ability to laugh at yourself and drown in the pool of the contention where the deadwood of your failures and triumphs are floating awkwardly and colliding on each other. You need to appease them by becoming still. Wu-wei style.
Freedom lies somewhere in there. Once the pool that filled you with division and sorrow is emptied, you’ll be able to fill it back with love, and let the flow of life passing by, in and out.
The reservoir of love is often blocked by debris of older unsolved conflicts.
Burn them.
Wash them away.
“Heaven and hell do not exist somewhere out there in another dimension but here on Earth. There are places like prisons, for example, but that is not where you are; that’s not your world, and yet it could become your world if you focus your attention on criminal information. Then there are events like accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters; these too could become part of your reality if you start internalising the news reports. Focus your attention deliberately and solely on the things you want to see in your world. Turn away from everything else. Close your eyes and ears to it all. Evil will never disappear from reality altogether, but it can vanish from your layer of the world. You will simply stop encountering negativity.”
What to do?
So, what then? What is there to do? How the hell to survive the darkest day of our walk on the palliative care of our soul?
“If somebody aims a gun at you, smile” wrote Tiziano Terzani in A Fortune-Teller Told Me. That book appeared to me on a trip to Port Elizabeth in South Africa, exactly two years ago. An older lady, a soulmate from a distant past, a lady that gave me support and guidance when I needed it, mentioned it to me, one night around a braai (South Africa BBQ). “JP, you should read A Fortune-Teller Told Me”. I went and got it. That book might crack your framework of reality, so I would recommend you to read it.
Anyway. I was going through my notes tonight in this book. I highlighted If somebody aims a gun at you, smile, and it made me smile. Isn’t exactly how we defeat communism? By the most beautiful weapon in this universe. Sheer love. Pure love. Untrammelled love. Unrequited love. Compassionate love. For God so loved the world, that he gives us the Sun, to shine upon us (JP 3:16).
”There is no house if there are no walls and no roof. The content is consciousness but we like to separate them, theorize about it, measure the yardage of our consciousness. Whereas the centre is consciousness, the content of consciousness, and the content is consciousness. Without the content, where is consciousness? And that is the space.” said Krishnamurti in an interview. And so maybe if we try to remove the schism that separates the self from the others, and we reunite ourselves to everyone and everything and if we melt the boundaries that hinder our ability to connect with the man with the finger on the trigger, and if we give an unabashed type of love, maybe there would be no hatred, and no more oppression. The engine of communism would run out of steam.
For hatred needs division as walls and animosity as a roof to stand: that is how it manifests itself into reality: cause we give it a place to dwell. Without a roof and walls, hatred falls apart, not having a place to reside in our hearts. That is what we ought to do. That is how we defeat communism.
“What exists physically exists first in thought and feeling. There is no other rule…. Matter is formed by those inner qualities that give it vitality, that structure follows expectation, that matter at any time can be completely changed by the activation of the creative faculties inherent in all consciousness.”
The battle is spiritual
We are stardust mixed with salt and air so we can dissolve in the ocean of the collective consciousness. We don’t exist in the past, nor the future. We are here. And we are here because we are aware of it. What are we?
No start, and no end. Infinite.
Sadly for us, we reached the limit of the English language. Bouncing off the noumenon of senselessness words is a side hobby of mine. Anyway. We ought to use something else. Sanskrit to the rescue. From the Radiance Sutra (only verse 14 is translated in English for you).
I am beyond measure.
I cannot be calculated.
I am beyond space and time.
I am beyond ancient and beyond the future.
There are no directions to me.
“The secret of the maze is that when you stop looking for the way out and let go of the importance of things, the walls of the maze collapse all by themselves.”
It’s cold, it’s dark…
It is… a…
… dark winter, coming to us.
The waning of the candle is fading away before coming back a little bit closer to me as if there was an invisible dance between the flame and the ether surrounding the room. The arc of the light is coming full circle around the room. It is a reminiscence of life itself, but I wouldn’t write too much about it. Life, arc, cycle, all so cliché.
The birds are not singing in my backyard, for there are no birds left here.
They are all dead.
Kidding. They are all gone hiding under the thick spruce’s branches, protecting their little body from a rigid cold winter night. The bigger birds left us for Mexico, and sometimes I wonder if there is not some wiseness in there. If Xavier Ruth preached to follow the sun, maybe I’ll preach to follow the song of the migratory birds.
It began apparently these days that there is a dark force pushing –steering– the flow of consciousness towards a darker place. For what world have you seen that you liked any better? McCarthy, tell us, what world have you seen that you liked any better? Maybe we both cast buoys far enough hoping we’d never have to reach them when we were to swim on the ocean of chaos that is the open field of the end of the world. Maybe we preferred –out of an abundance of wisdom or out of sheer low give a fuck– simply sinking in the waters of our disenchantment. In the tears of our sorrows. In the torrent of our madness. The Road to a Dark Winter is inevitable when the game is getting played at psycho-level mode.
The Elites are using the logos to create hell in the third dimension of reality, and we, the architects of the better world, the ambassadors of the most beautiful world, ought to bring heaven to the battle. But we both know that we would get to a point where pushing the cart would be the only way to weather the storm imposed by our minds. You try to push yourself out of misery but you go in deeper. That’s just basic human psychology or something along those lines. You drive the entire world just to try to escape this sickening feeling that the gazelle gets when it’s being preyed upon and you come to the conclusion that there’s no way out… but only in. Only by ascending to a purer level of reality, can you transcend this world. Maybe there’s no other person in this universe than your own consciousness. Maybe everybody around you is a projection of you at different times and points in history.
The endgame for the Elites is a technocratic totalitarian dystopian world. In other words, a Hunger Game world, where every player is tagged and tracked. Why? Control. And control is power and power is the end goal for this psycho in power. We didn’t cast them far enough and we found ourselves paddling to get to them to mark the midpoint of our madness. The sinking wasn’t an option, oh we knew. We knew, for we are the architects of the better world, or so was the call, the intent, the idea, the label wrapping our delusion of a better morrow. The sword of Damocles is a wire-thin over our sanity, and can someone cut it off? Maybe it would be better to go down aboard the madness train.
Everyone needs to prostitute themselves to money; money is the symptom of a much deeper problem. The separation of our minds to the Christ consciousness, some call it God, the One, the Higher Architect, and the label doesn’t really matter anyway –label kills by defining what is not definable– that separation is the root of evil and the sin that cannot be forgiven: the sin of arrogance coming from a sense of superiority over the Creation. Communism is a symptom of that.
After all, only a broken individual could ever come to believe that they can exist outside of the stars above them, and the ground below them, and the water flowing by them. The protohuman feels a sense of interconnectivity with the cosmos. With this sense of unity comes true love. And from true love comes untrammelled freedom. And from these two, you cannot really have a dystopian society, can you? And so we are on a little island called sanity, and we’re holding to it like a mad man. For what else are we supposed to do, Cormac? We reached a place we never wanted to be at. Yet, here we are. Isn’t great. To be at a place that you don’t deserve, or wanted, or wished upon, that you never called for, other than maybe in previous diatribes of sense or verbal diarrhea of madness… Yes. This is great.
And so we enlist our kids to go get traumatize in a school system rewarding psychopathic behaviour instead of the grandeur of character, the nobility of character preached by Epictetus himself. The war on their mind is on for 12 years, at a minimum. Then you’d have made weak children. Their brokenness is what makes this society work. How else would you get kids in suburb Denver willing to buy a phone device made by child labour in sweatshops in Asia where the conditions are so bad that they cannot even commit suicide (Foxconn and some other subcontractors installed anti-suicide net)? How else would you ask men to cut down forests? Patterning a way out. Or so said Robert Monroe from the Monroe Institute, the CIA and Vadim Zealand. And Douglas Adams. We can only keep on elevating our soul to a higher dimension. Calling forth the most beautiful of all the worlds. The fun in the game only really starts when you’re holding a buoy in a heavy storm, in a cold environment, on a lonely ocean. Yeah, that place, that place is the crucible of life and where you either grow or die. Standing still is what weak men do. And weak men don’t make history books, don’t write books and don’t tell stories. The worst case isn’t sinking. The sinking is the process. The dying is the way. The path to growth is better observed in a greenhouse than a university classroom. Much of the problems of this world would be solved if every human on Earth would stay to observe plants in a garden for a few days. Wisdom is a flower opening up to the sun at the dawn of the day, opening to the light of the sun, without judgement, questioning or thinking. It is its nature. To open itself to the Light.
You need to break them. You need to lie to do. You need to make feel so disconnected from reality that they won’t even know what’s real anymore.
And so maybe this article was written for those who have the will to endure the coming decade. This article is for those who hear the cry of the stars when they lay in the grass and ponder for a few seconds about what the world was before the Phoenicians decided to wreck it, and before Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates decided to go full psycho on us.
Our way out is our way in. That is where we ought to go. Diving in the depth of our consciousness. A journey within the human soul. As Thich Nhat Hanh wrote beautifully in How To Love, "The fourth element is upeksha, equanimity or freedom. In true love, you attain freedom. When you love, you bring freedom to the person you love. If the opposite is true, it is not true love. You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free, not only outside but also inside.” We need to make some room inside of our soul, for our own self.
We, the elders, those calls forth to carry the Divine Spark, we must go –and bring our kids– to an adventure through the Many Worlds, a journey inside the depth of the collective consciousness. Communism wasn’t won by screaming kumbaya, but it wasn’t won either through 100 000 000 bullets and 10 millions of ton of bombs! Communism still exists, because some men decided to choose evil, instead of good. That is their decision. They will face their own retribution. We cannot control their hearts.
As for us, walking on the pathway laid down from the Guardians of the Galaxies themselves, the Giants of the older days, the Heroes of the Most Beautiful World, the Luminous Beings from the twelfth dimension, may we walk on that fine path and bring with us the whole goddamn crowd to higher levels.
That journey is a glorious one. There is a place where our soul is invincibility, untouchable. There is a place called home, and it’s calling you right now. Project yourself to higher dimensions, at all cost. Exist for those other levels. Touch the divine light, the divine One. The Master Architect.
There is a place that is a luminous one. It’s illuminated by the sorrows of the elders that had to come here before us and walk the same path and struggle through the same battles and challenges. May their spirits be the lantern that glows in the darkest of our days.
There is a place that is placelessness. I will bring you there if you let me do so. I’ll carry your hand in mine, and maybe when we make a new world, we make it right this time. Maybe we will create a more beautiful world, for human beings to partake in this great experience that Life is.
We’ll make it beautiful.
We’ll make it more beautiful than our hearts could ever imagine.
We’ll make it… the most beautiful world.
Reject the reality of everything.
Deny the universe of appearance.
Say no to the phenomenal world.
Reside in the secret place inside.
As joy rises in the heart
At this sudden freedom,
Enter there and dwell!
– The Radiance Sutras–
Jean-Pascal Remon
Further reading:
Holofractal Subreddit
High Strangeness subreddit
Soulnexus subreddit
Ultimate reading list for human beings (200 books+)
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