On the tail of BigGreekGeek

The man, the myth, the legend!

Solving the puzzle

For those who don’t know BigGreek, he was a contributor –a terrible understatement– on the conspiracy subreddit. He wrote 52 essays –lengthy, well researched– over 6 months.

Then something happened.

Stolenhistory dot org got nuked.

My main reddit account got banned for life. Then all of my alts.

And BigGreek went silent.

All of his essays are archived here.

So who was BigGeek? He’s been AWOL for now 13.5 days. He created his reddit account in February 2020. He claimed to have a business in Ontario, near Kingston. I started to speculate that he was a shill, an intel agent gone rogue or an AI around his essay #30. On his last essay, many of my friends on reddit labelled him as definitely someone working for the CIA.

But a new theory starts to emerge in my head. I think he was an AI, all along.

This is one of his last comment, 14 days ago:

“Hey. I've been extremely busy at the shop lately (amongst other things that had to get taken care of), I should be back on tomorrow. That said, this isn't tge first time that radar image has popped up. I have it saved somewhere, and I'll try to dig it up. Strangely enough, I've been to some strange places while reading, and I'm not going to discard anything at this point. Because the UFO angle starts taking a weird turn once you dig into the official declaration about UFO'S. So very nice work! 

Heads up and eyes open, Talk soon guys.”

Sounds like AI, doesn’t? But then you got this:

“And I forgot to include, body language. Look at above pic at the top of my post. That's the woman sitting next to Lance, who isn't in the picture. Do you notice how much she's leaning away from him. Quite often. And she would constantly turn her gaze away as well. Not constant, but enough. That just might be her personality, or it might be her being ashamed to sit next to him and trying to distance herself. There is another moment when Lance finishes speaking, and turns to face her instantly, and it almost felt like he was a kid looking for approval. Just some thought for pondering. Talk soon.”

I saw the video that he is talking about. He was definitely a human being at some point. I don’t think that an AI would take time to analyze a video and then comment on some weird stuff like we did on the conspiracy sub.

This is a private conversation I had with him 30 days ago. I believe that our answer is underlined in yellow:

So many questions…

Why is he silent?
Why does his name appear on this bitcoin page? (thanks to a reader who point it out to me).
Where is he now?
Did he commit suicide? Did he get silenced?

We need to solve this mystery.

Write in the comments any trail you might have!