Dancing After The Music Stops: Spiritual Field Manual On How To Thrive At The Game of Life (PDF version)

Dancing After The Music Stops: Spiritual Field Manual On How To Thrive At The Game of Life (PDF version)

Sale Price:$8.99 Original Price:$11.99

“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could no hear the music.”

– Friedrich Nietzsche

This is my 480 pages white paper on society: it includes travel stories from my overland trips in a Jeep (Alaska to Argentina), my spiritual journey out of Christianity and into the Oneness of it all, and everything that is wrong with the school system. It’s for those who want to change their life. It’s for those who feel that there’s something wrong with this system.

This is the PDF version.

Feel free to get it on Amazon – available worldwide!

Read more about my journey here.

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“Dancing on the upper deck of the Titanic as it is sinking is not reserved to the rich among us – actually, it probably belongs to the children of the light, those caring little about the monetary system, those wandering freely on Earth, knowing there is something more to life than we were led to believe. If reality is, well, real, then we ought to dive deep into it and experience the structure that composes it. Not understand, but experience the Game of Life. 

Your attitude will determine the quality of your journey on Earth. Sometimes you'll win, sometimes you'll lose. Make it no factor. You'll have to keep going forward. Sometimes, you'll have to walk away. Sometimes, you'll have to hold the line. Sometimes, you'll have to run. Sometimes, you'll have to hanker on to the lifeline cause that'll be the only thing holding you from falling into the abyss. Sometimes, you'll have to cut that lifeline and plunge to the depth of darkness itself to experience rebirth. 

​There is no death without living. This spiritual field manual won't tell you when to cut or hold on to that line – pointers and arrows are the only things I can provide you. But when you have a proper understanding of the Game of Life, the physics and the metrics behind the scene, then it'll be a helluva ride through the galaxies. No, not necessarily easy. Believe me: You don't really want easy anyway. You want meaningful. You actually want to know why the hell you're dancing through the worlds as you go through your cosmic journey. That why is so underrated yet so valuable. It'll be the anchor that conjures hope through the storm of life. “

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