What China and Google doesn't want you to know
Banned from Reddit
Remember when Google removed “Don’t be evil” from its policy?
Yeah… It augured a new season, that’s for sure.
This post will be a bit all over the place… I figured I should back things up on here before it goes down on reddit! First, let’s see what a bunch of redditors noticed last January 2020!
UPDATE — JANUARY 29, 2020: What’s also odd, and outright suspicious, is that as of January 29, 2020, the location of Wuhan Institute of Virology (where the National Biosafety Laboratory is headquartered) on Google Maps has inexplicably moved since I first viewed it on January 24, 2020 and published this article on January 27, 2020. Its new location is now over twice the distance from the claimed epicenter of the novel coronavirus, Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market. Even its satellite imagery of the original site has been altered as well. Good thing I took screenshots.
click to enlarge
Google is so in bed with the CCP. The virus isn’t natural. It’s a bioweapon. Whistleblowers came out saying that, hell, even the Nobel-priced French scientist that discovered DNA said it was man-made!
Google certainly doesn’t want you to know that another SARS virus leaked back in 2013… Here’s from a reddit user:
The lab escapee theory is both possible and likely.
We know that the lab was working on bat based coronaviruses from both job advertisement and published work. Link for job listing : http://www.whiov.cas.cn/105341/201911/t20191118_5438006.html . Link for published work : https://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?as_q=&num=10&btnG=Search+Scholar&as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&as_occt=any&as_sauthors=%22Xing-Yi+Ge%22&as_publication=&as_ylo=&as_yhi=&as_allsubj=all&hl=en
A report published in the medical journal The Lancet found that of 41 cases of the virus in Wuhan, China, only 13 were linked to the market. The researchers also found that the first hospitalized case was not linked to the market. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/01/wuhan-seafood-market-may-not-be-source-novel-virus-spreading-globally
As seen in this excerpt from the WHO document - 'SARS How a global epidemic was stopped' - we know that there have been previous incidents were coronavirus have escaped the lab in China. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/207501/9290612134_eng.pdf%3Fsequence%3D1%26isAllowed%3Dy&ved=2ahUKEwik_P6_x6vnAhW8RhUIHabrDMcQFjAFegQIAhAB&usg=AOvVaw2RLZfNhnzkiygtN5N_pO7u
The lab is 20miles from the claimed epicenter. http://lssf.cas.cn/en/facilities-view.jsp?id=ff8080814ff56599014ff59e677e003d
To conclude we know that the lab in Wuhan studies bat coronaviruses, has had previous leaks, and is very close to the epicenter. No country is going to volunteer that they were responsible for a leak that has caused a global spread of a virus. The lab theory is a very strong possibility.
I've got a few mirrors of the WHO document just incase :
Mirror 1: https://gofile.io/?c=uUt6A3
Mirror 2: https://filebin.net/gf0f5p2ost0eclw0/9290612134_eng.pdf?t=bbf7sgxi
The video below is banned from Twitter and Facebook. It’ll get banned from Facebook sooner.
Wanna see some fine Chinese propaganda? Look below.
Below is a must watch video that shows how Google is manipulating everybody via its social network.
Big brother is coming for us!
Change of topic.
Remember how CLO_Junkie got created one day after Event 201, and stayed dormant until January 20th, then went on to create the coronavirus subs and become mods of them…? Yeah, remember that!? See this conversation on reddit. (mirror #1) See this article as well. (mirror).
The whoie thing is scripted and part of The Great Reset.
On a last note… remember how they want to get rid of the white people in the United States? That lady is the CDC chairman. Let that sink in. Watch the video below. If it’s unavailable, download it here. That’s the last mirror up on Youtube… they get deleted all the time!
See this screencap of Bill Gates’ AMA on reddit regarding what the future will look like…
Our new NWO overlords… Yay! /s
Thanks, and stay safe out there.
Further reading: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jul/23/tech-industry-wealth-futurism-transhumanism-singularity