The Most Beautiful World

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Ladies and gentlemen, here comes your vaccine passport.

I was right. Fuck.

To all of my readers that thought I was crazy since a year for calling this shot: here it is.

“Quebecers who have been vaccinated and those who will soon be able to receive, as of May 13, digital proof of vaccination in the form of a QR code, the usefulness and privileges that could be associated with it remain to be specified.

For now, this proof of vaccination, which will be sent by email on Thursday, will not be considered as a "vaccination passport". 

Lol. So it’s totally going to be a vaccine passport then ;)

“As reported in our pages, yesterday, this tool adopted among others by Denmark and Israel in order to be able to go to restaurants or participate in public events is claimed by certain Quebec restaurateurs, who would like to take advantage of it to reopen their dining rooms more quickly. 

This QR code could perhaps also be considered for the resumption of shows and sporting events, such as the Canadiens' playoff games. “

Read the full article here.

Coming everywhere in Canada soon… We live in the oddest of times. Remember: all of this is for a disease that kills less Thant 99.998% of the Canadians.


See this form in the original post