We're on track of an hyper inflationary collapse

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I was right. It’s been over a year that I’ve been saying to all of my family and friends that we are heading towards a hyper-inflationary collapse, à la Argentina style.

The price of lumber isn’t going up: it’s our money that became worthless. Same with the houses. They gained 30% in a year, which oddly reflects the amount of money that was printed under the Trudeau administration.

Their goal is to make of Canada another banana republic, like Cuba under Castro.
Our money is now worth about 30% less than a year ago. It will probably reach 100% soon.
I highly recommend these two articles: A crisis of profitability and this one from Gail Tverberg (always take her with a grain of salt…)

I expect gold to reach $5k USD an ounce before the end of the year. Silver will probably hit $100 an ounce. Ethereum will reach $10k. And the price of things everywhere in Canada will just go up and up. But remember: it was a global coup, an on-purpose sabotage by the Elites to throw down this current system and replace it with something else that they’ve been cooking for years. It’s their Reset, and they need this system to suck really bad to make people plead for a new one.

Buy what you need now. I expect things to go up in price by Fall 2021.


ps: the MSM are totally silent on the word “inflation”. Notice this. It’s not talked about. Why?