The Most Beautiful World

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The Underground Church: or why the church has to be decentralized.

I could not believe it:

Pastors obeyed to the goverment orders –worldwide– and shutdown their doors!

On March 15th 2020, I knew it wasn’t the virus that I had to fear but rather the New World Order. I was in Argentina. I had left my resort in Brazil on February 7th, after seeing what was happening in Wuhan. I thought the Power That Be decided to release a virus that would kill 95% of the population!

So I did the only reasonable thing possible! I drove to the Patagonia. I drove, drove and drove some more. Until I was, well, in the Patagonia, Argentinian-side. I took some wifi at a gas station and saw some people getting fined for being outside of their apartments in Italy. That’s when I knew the whole thing wasn’t about a virus, but rather about a new way to control us. Say, something like… “a New Normal”.

A winery in Southern Argentina.

Went back to Canada in late March. Saw churches Canada-wide closing down! Listening to the CCP-run government! In Quebec, it is still illegal to have more than 10 people in your home (visitors). So good luck trying to run a church at your place!

I could not believe it. Christians and pastors were using (and are) using the verse in Romans that says that we ought to obey the authorities. Yes, normally, sure. But when it is obviously a coup d’etat against our democracy and freedom, we should have none of it! We ought be disobeying to regulations in place!

The church should be the light amidst the darkness. It is obviously a sort of “end of the world” that we are living in. Thus, it should stay open? For the ones looking for an answer? Isn’t the goal of the church? To convert people to… Jesus? Why closing the doors? Why, oh why, is the church growing cold, and embracing masks and social distancing? What a bunch of nonsense.

The church and christians were known throughout history to be the one that gave no f(&*@ to the authorities in place! They were going against the laws of some countries to preach the Gospel! That used to be the thing!

And now they are closing down their church! In North America! It is now illegal in some places to have a house church! AND THEY ACCEPT IT!

It is beyond absurd.
So that’s why I decided to start the underground church of Canada. Someone, somewhere, has to preach the truth as it is. No governments and no authorities will ever be able to tell me to stop preaching the Truth! I mean, it is so obvious! When a government tells you that you cannot keep your church open, THIS IS WHEN YOU NEED TO STAY OPEN.

Screw social distancing and to heck with obeying to the Chinese Communist Party (who’s controlling the Canadian government, if that isn’t obvious for you just yet)!

It’s ironic that it is me, JP, that decides to step up (and step again) in Christianity to flip some tables. It’s like, we ought to be either hot or cold, not in between, not lukewarm (Rev. 3:16). We ought to stay open and go out there and spit some truth or close –forever–. None of that “I’m just listening to the government” bullcrap.

Shame to all of the pastors and churches and Christians not understanding what’s happening right now. Like Jesus said, “You fools! You know how to interpret the weather signs of the earth and sky, but you don't know how to interpret the present times”. This verse could be applied right here, right now.

Enough of ranting. Here’s the solution. Decentralized churches": A church that is everywhere, yet nowhere. A powerful church, yet… a church that doesn’t exist on any maps.

We need to step up our game and go covert. Make no mistake: there is a war going on for your freedom. And I saw how China was treating pastors in the Mainland: crazy and scary.

The power of the church for the last 2000 years was in the gathering. Wherever two or three people are gathered in Jesus’ name… that’s where the power is. The Church of Christ cannot only be online. It has to be a real thing. You have to be able to gather and pray for your brothers and sisters in person and cry on the floor and beg for mercy. This is just the way it is.

So whenever Wave 2 hits, or Pandemic 2.0, we need a plan, we need a Standard Operating Procedure, a protocol to go by. We need a structure in place where we can meet Christians and gather into a home church.

That’s all I had to say. If you are interested in building this with me, email me :) The project will get clearer in the next week.
