Singapore first... Then the UK...

Go have a look at the post I made about Singapore and their Mark of The Beast 2.0 (aka Safe Entry program) and come back to this article. Or, if you are too lazy, CNN makes a nice summary of the situation in China:Hong Kong (CNN Business)Imagine your daily routine being entirely dependent on a smart phone app. Leaving your home, taking the subway, going to work, entering cafes, restaurants and shopping malls — each move, dictated by the color shown on your screen. Green: you're free to proceed. Amber or Red: you're barred from entry.” Great article showing what’s about to happen to the rest of the world.

Here’s a copy/pasta from a guy in the UK, shared without his permission (reddit account is banned), but I’m sure he’s more than willing to share this with the world:

“I wanted to give a little insight into the track and trace program in the UK, and how it is starting to become mandatory without being mandatory. 

First of all - I actually know a guy on the inside who was part of this effort to implement track & trace. Other than the billions of dollars a wasted and what he described as "an absolute shit show" - he told me in no uncertain terms "I wont be putting that app on my phone, and either should you".

He couldn't / wouldn't elaborate more on why he said that, but he eluded to knowing enough about it to not want anything to do with it. 

Over the last few months, most individual bars & restaurants have had their own track & trace program running. Either it be a database on a laptop at the front door of names & numbers of who came into the premises, or a third party website that you could leave details on. For the most part it has been pretty relaxed. 

Over the last 2 weeks government created QR codes have started popping up at the door of every shop, bar & restaurant you want to go into. It has been made mandatory to put these government QR codes up to track your movements throughout society. 

More information on these codes can be found here:

The posters look like this:

What I have noticed is I am now being denied to enter some of the businesses unless I use the government app. These are businesses that had completely functioning track and trace database & programs, but have been pressured into giving those up for the government option. I am MORE than happy to give these details to them, and I don't mind telling them my name and phone number. But after my mates warning, and also just the general idea of a "government app" telling me where I can and cant shop - I am fighting hard against it. 

The funny thing is - these apps only work on the latest iPhones (I believe it is only iPhone 7 and above, and only certain Android Devices). So if you don't have one of these devices that are up to date, or you are an elderly person who does not have a smart phone - what are you meant to do? 

I was able to enter Ikea as they had their separate program running if you did not have a new smart phone - but many of my regular restaurants and bars I frequent now ban me from entering unless I have a newish iPhone, and are willing to go ahead with the scanning of the government QR code. 

I even went to buy a Krispy Kreme donut the other day - take away from a kiosk at a train station, and was refused service because I would not scan the code. Why the f*ck does the government need to know I spend 20 seconds buying a donut? 

This is only the first few weeks, and I have noticed many of my local businesses are starting to refuse entry unless you use the gov code, and only the gov code. 

I am truly terrified that they are doing to start making it impossible to live life without the QR code app on your phone, and more and more stores such as supermarkets or public transport wont allow you entry unless you scan in and out. 

I also believe that this is a precursor and test run to the "vaccine" - sure it will be voluntary if you take it or not, but life will be impossible without the app / certificate / whatever the hell it is to live happily.

Eventually, when the vaccine is out… if you don’t have it… you won’t be able to enter anywhere. Talk about a dystopian nightmare. Communism is upon on. Resist.


Jean Pascal