Coronavirus, Day 2 of SHTF.
Things are about to get bleak.
UPDATE: Apparently, the mortality rate is 99% once the pneumonia sets in, which might explain the absurd amount of censorship on what’s truly happening.
I think all the red flags are there to conclude that, well, Shit Hit The Fan. I think the magnitude is about to go biblical.
Too many flags:
China is trying so hard to control the narrative. If it was just an accident, why not welcome international team to help?
Why did Canada keep allowing Chinese into Canada, while they were well aware the virus can take up to 2 weeks to appear?
Why did Zerohedge got banned from Twitter after posting a document showing that the coronavirus might be a bioweapon?
Why the blatant lie on numbers of death and sick in China?
Why the total lockdown of China for only 600 death?
Why is the CCP killing this woman for “just a flu”?
Something smell bad, and I think SHTF a few weeks ago. The Earth is now a Lab 4, and I am not sure I like that.
For more live update on the collapse of modern day civilization, here are some good links:
Wuhan_flu (need an account to see)
Watch this: China killing pigs.
Chicken are dying, as they are no one to feed or take care of them.
The incoming financial crisis will make 2008 look like a joke. The Just In Time Delivery is in jeopardy. The dominoes are starting to fall.
February 7th marked Day 1 in my book of the end of the world as we know. Nothing will be normal ever again. Why? Because if 50 000 people died, and if China goes down for a month, the whole system won’t be able to support it I fear. It’s like a slow EMP attack, but worldwide.
I don’t know how it is going to play out, but if I’d be you, I’d play clause attention to the development in the next 10 days. It might determine your survival chances.