I'm Canadian and life is good.
Charcoal at -30ºC
Life is as good as it gets
Field report in the day of a Canadian
This article is my response to all of those that complain about this country. Yes, there is a lot of bad, but there is still an abundance of blessings. I was inspired by this post on Reddit.
I’m a Canadian and life is good here. Yes, this is probably a controversial statement. If one listens to the news or browser Facebook or Reddit, it seems like life in Canada is hell.
Well, not quite so. We are those that “stayed behind” and didn’t leave for the US of A, Mexico, or the Canary Islands. We decided to shelter in place, and build our dream homestead. Cause dreams still matter.
Life is surprisingly good in the western part of the country. It’s still good ole Canada.
CBC and Reddit make it sound like being stuck in Canada is the worst thing on Earth, when in reality, life is pretty damn good here. Granted, we are at the start of a communist takeover. Yes, it can be worrying. But an asteroid could also hit us all, so for now, we decided to not worry too much about the eventual possibility of us getting all exterminated.
Is inflation that bad? No. We already had adapted ourselves to a healthier, cleaner diet. Meat is the same price as last year at our local butcher shop. We don’t buy processed food. We don’t buy rat poison in other words. Things are still so cheap at Walmart, Canadian Tire, Amazon, Home hardware. We use Kijiji to find deals on second-hand things.
Are trucks more expensive? Yes and no. Brand new trucks are on sale right now, cheaper than 2-3 years ago. You can get a brand new Sierra AT4 for 65k, compared to 92k when it launched in 2020. Yes, some used models have gone up in price, but that’s just part of life.
We cannot take the plane anymore. Sadly. This is for sure one thing that changed. But this too shall pass.
Many Canadians feel trapped right now in this country. And, well, we are trapped. But the mistake is to think that we were not trapped from the get-go.
The mistake is to think that we are meant to operate on this plane of reality. That the physical world is more important than the spiritual one.
No. The 3rd dimension is the lowest. And that’s the one that the Elites want us trapped in.
That’s the one that most of my readers are trapped in.
I can only encourage you to explore the depth of the human consciousness. Look into project Stargate. Go back through the blog’s archive, you’ll find what you need.
Once you realize that we were on a prison planet from the start, your mind will slowly wake up to this new fresh perspective that you are not truly a citizen of the Earth, but a citizen of the galaxy, and that your soul was meant for way more than this Earth. Yes, it sucks not to be able to fly to Mexico. But it will pass. For now, focus on your inner growth.
Non Compliance En Masse
The non-compliance in northern Alberta is exceptionally high, which, if one does not pay attention to the news, make it seems like we’re stuck in 2019. People are just done with complying.
I never wear a mask (other than the post office, the old lady is adamant that they work. I pick my fight carefully). My wife and I go to restaurants without a QR code. Life is really good. Life is normal. People gather. People talk about other things than COVID.
I started two businesses amidst this communist takeover. Oh. And I started a church too. Not because I wanted. Far from it. I’m a beer-drinker, swearer sinner. But I do know my Bible, and I do have a profound connection with the Eternal One, the Creator.
I started a church ‘cause it seems like Canadian pastors Coast to Coast gave up on being the Church. If not me, then who? How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?" (Romans 10:14)
Churches failed so hard in this country. Not surprising. The Church is bind by the Word of God, not the other way around. The government cannot bind the Word of Good and cannot stop the free preaching of the Gospel. It doesn’t matter if the government ask for priest and pastors to ask for a proof of vaccination to their audience: it doesn’t matter if the government ask them to close their church. The Word of God will prevail and nothing will stop it. The Good News – that you, too, can be reunified with the Divine and the Eternal One and become a god too (albeit not ex-nihilo)– will prevail at all cost, at all time.
It’s so ironic. It’s the rebels once again that take care of the Lord’s work.
How bad life truly is in Chinada?
Below is Walter Gieseking playing a Beethoven concerto amidst RPG and bomb falling in WW2. You can hear the bombs in stereo. You can hear anti-aircraft guns at 05:43.
This is the spirit. This is the way. Dreamers are always the first casualty of any communist takeover. Musicians, artists, preachers, dancers, and bartenders all share the same artistic spark. And there is a reason why they were attacked first. But it is to them to reverse their role from victims to the master of their universe.
Life is awfully depressing when glued to a telescreen. But life is excitingly wonderful when in nature, in contact with the Earth and the cosmos.
Our BBQ setup for winter 2021-2022
Our land. Kilometers of freedom!
Am I blessed beyond infinity? Yes.
But so you are. You can still get a high paying job (no vaxx requirement). You can still get cheap food locally. You can travel from Vancouver to Montreal for the same cost as in 2010. There is no genocide. There is fresh water, great meat, great people, deals on houses right now, and so much to explore.
Life is good here. The West is the best. Canada is a big country. I just simply cannot imagine being in Quebec or Nova Scotia, although I’m sure there are some pockets of resistance. BC, Saskatchewan and Alberta seems like the last bastion of freedom in this country.
Thing is, people have endured for hundreds of years on this land, without electricity, without a Canadian Tire nearby or Amazon Prime. It was hard work. It was survival. The Ukrainian migrants that populated northern Alberta had it rough. So, in comparison, yes, life is so easy, good, wonderful. It’s a continuous state of grace.
Sunrise on our land.
Starry night.
Christmas tree is full!
Our two dogs.
Beirut eBeirut explosion: woman plays Auld Lang Syne on piano amid debrisxplosion: woman plays Auld Lang Syne on piano amid debris
Yes, you can still play music and dancing amidst a communist takeover. Never give in. Never give up on your joy.
It’s time for every Canadians to turn off the news, remove their mask, show their smile, and carry on with their life. Don’t live for 2022. Try to live for 2030. By that I mean, carry on with your life.
Start a business, have kids, build a house. Communist takeovers come and go, but you stay eternal.