The Most Beautiful World

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Left of Bang: Spiritual Edition


Bye-bye paralysis by analysis

Highly recommended read for the weekend: Left of Bang.

Three red flags.

When you see three red flags, you need to make a decision and execute it now.

It worked for the Marines since the dawn of their inception. It worked for me in my dating life (all sorrows and heart-brokenness were from me not being able to respect that rule… and allowing a heap of red flags to accumulate before a decision was made) or in jobs, or hell, while overlanding the Americas in a Jeep (had some crazy adventures in Central Americas…).

It’s the Combat Rule of Three: When you observe three anomalies or indicators, you must make a decision. Do not wait for more information. In the military, a decision to establish contact, capture, or kill or withdrawn are all valid options.

We are in a war facing multiple fronts: there’s a spiritual front (they want us depressed, sad, drunk), there’s a physical one (mandatory mask, eventual vaccine, 6 feet apart, etc) and then the psychological one (gaslighting us as a bad BPD girlfriend would do).

The Elites are controlling us via the media (read Project Mockingbird on Wikipedia and The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein). It’s a constant feed of insanity to break us mentally. To make us scared, stressed, exhausted. They are overloading our minds with insane content, day in, day out.

We must resist that.

We also must resist simply gathering more information that the world as we know is ending. I’m guilty of that! Yes, the new world will suck. Yes, it will be freaking dystopian. Yes, many of us will lose friends and family members to the New Insane Normal. We get it. I get it now. The world is ending (always was, anyway). I must find the courage to step over that and look beyond that (not gonna lie, the sub /r/nonewnormal is highly addictive;).

But we must act with bravery and courage. Bravery is what you do when you don’t have to do it. Courage is the strength at your fingertips and in the core of your bones when you pick up that sword and go facing an outcome that hasn’t exactly your back.

Ever wondered why the Americans won some wars in the South Pacific but lost it in Vietnam?

They believed with all of their hearts that they had to fight for freedom in the South Pacific. They knew what was freedom back in America. They were willing to go against whatever odds to protect that. They were motivated by nothing more than their own love for freedom.

That wasn’t the same for the Vietnam war. Most young men had no motivation to be there, and they didn’t understand why they were there at all.

Point is, when you believe in your cause, you can win. Against whatever odds. I, personally, love freedom, and hate communism (understatement).

We never had to fight against the Power That Be in such a way since probably the 1800s.
We lost, back then.
We lost, and they rewrote history their own ways.

But this is a new war. This is a new time. There is hope that we can carry the divine spark against the Many Worlds and augur the most beautiful world as we tether on the verge of infinity. Confronted with the finality of life, we must abide to the values that made us. Thus, this is a time to define these values. Now, before the fog of war covers us all, now is a time to define who you want to be, and what you stand for. Not tomorrow.

We will carry the legacy of humanity to the very edge of sanity. We might get broken, we might fall, we might fail, but the spark will prevail. Vires en numeris. There’s strength in numbers. The more of us, architects of the better world and carrier of the divine spark, the better.

We were never in this war before. Yesterday was the past, and the past is nothing more an imprint on a river that’s been thawed: the water is somewhere is, and with the flow of it comes forgiveness. This is why the mistakes of the past don’t define who we are: there’s only forgiveness by the river’s shore. So make a fire with the deadwood that drags you down, right there, on the beach of your celestial past. Get over the flames, and come live with us in the present.

Here we are today. We know the future: a Dark Winter, a genocide upon the American people, a descent into a Brave New World, an utterly dystopic world, a grid-down scenario and the collapse of the banking system.

There are red flags everywhere. I lost counts. We must muster the courage to make some hard decisions and execute them if needed.

The first most important decision that shall be made is the one of making a contingency plan. You must sit down with yourself and make a realistic plan. Then go buy what you need. Execute the logistic part of your plan.

The second decision –and maybe the hardest– to make is the one of knowing when to bug out. I, for one, still try to determine what’s my backstop. The time to bug out was yesterday. I’m playing with fire, and I know it. I’m more or less enjoying the Titanic’s upper deck for a final time. WCGW style. Okay, I’m at a good spot, here in the Northwest Territories of Canada. We are 40 000 people in a land bigger than India itself. And 50% are survivors de facto (first nation tribes). Survivors of the white man’s madness, and survivors of the cold harsh subarctic climate.

The writing is on the wall. At this point, and I mean, c’mon, if you’ve been following me since February 2020, you know exactly what I’m talking about, the writing is in BIG BOLD LETTER and the wall is too high for comfort.

The time to collect data is over. This is a time to prepare spiritually, mentally and physically. The red flags are numerous. We don’t need more to make a plan and execute it.

We will tackle those topics in this series over the next 15 days. I guess my 7000 words Tranquility, Fearlessness and Freedom was tackling the spiritual and mental quite deeply. So maybe I’ll dive more into physical preparedness: from bug-out strategy to survival gear.
