On the necessity of becoming a monk to succeed
On the necessity of becoming a monk to succeed.
How to achieve your goals.
Short term sacrifice for long term gain.
Truth is, if I would not have isolated myself from civilization –by going in the Yukon Territories or remote South Americas– I would never have finished my book.
The only way that I could accomplish greatness in my life was by becoming… like a monk. Over and over again, that’s one of the clearest pointer, clearest answer to that one question “How to succeed at the Game of Life?” that everyone asked me in the past.
You see, I live in Canada, but I don’t: I make projects happen when I am in my own country. I’m here on continuous “business trip”. I rarely go out (I never went to the club in my own country!), that’s just how monk-ish my life is. I’m building an empire so I can give back to the people.
I can already hear the hearsay of the mass: “Isn’t your life then…boring?”
I would be tempted to tell them “and what would be wrong with that?” but it’s not boring…cause I go so hard on various projects, caring little about dating and family things. There’s only one speed for me in Canada and it’s constinously pushing the red line. Working 100 hours work week is totally normal, and almost part time haha.
The fun starts when I am outside of Canada: the world is my playground. There’s nothing better in life than driving my Wrangler on some quiet beach in Brazil. That’s the ultimate prize.
You don’t go to a war unprepared, and so the Great Canadian North has been the crucible where I was able to callous my mind and soul. That’s where I read 500 books in a 1000 days. That’s where I wrote a 480 pages Spiritual Field Manual. That’s where I reconnected with my true Higher self. That’s where I made my money. That’s home.
Let me be very clear: You cannot chase two rabbits at the same time. You cannot chase a girl and chase your million dollar (well, at least your first). You cannot build your empire by wasting your time on Tinder or Insta (unless insta is part of your business, then go hard, don’t listen to people that think that Insta isn’t a real business: it totally is).
You cannot go full speed ahead while looking back.
Burn off the dead wood and go full pin.
There are absolutely zero shortcut to success. A Lambo isn’t success if you can’t sleep at night. A mansion isn’t success if you lost yourself in the game.
You need a foundation – and I’m talking to the young readers of my blog – you need a foundation on which you’ll build yourself. Make that foundation your priority when you are young of age. Money comes and goes, but value and integrity remain.
I got trusted at a very young age with large sum of money because of my occupation (gold miner). I had the opportunity in my life to steal a fortune: never did. Never took a speck of gold for me, despite having had the chance to steal some easily, over and over. No surveillance. No camera. No security check. Only my conscience was my guard. And boy am I ever glad that I never got tempted beyond reason. I sleep well at night, knowing that I resisted the Money temptation.
And that’s the true gold. That knowledge-of-the-self. That’s how you build character. That’s how men get build.
Never asked for it, but my boss gave me an ounce. When providing value, people will pay you, apparently.
It is okay to turn down family dinner so you can work on your business.
It is okay to leave a not-so-good partner (or someone holding you down) to get your business going.
It is okay to go super hard, and have literally no life. Who cares. Go for it. This might be the core of my message… Go for it. You got nothing to loose.
It is okay to become like a monk, working 16 hours a day on your project.
It is okay… fill in the blank.
If you are serious with your business, you’ll come down to the same conclusion then I:
I either make-it or I make-it, those are my options.
Those are my options
UPDATE: Just launch a new book.