High ISO battle: Canon 1D Mark IV vs Canon 7D Mark II
Canon 1D Mark IV vs Canon 7D Mark II High ISO battle
The Canon 1D Mark IV is five years older than the 7D Mark II: does it hold up to a small crop sensor? The results show that yes, the larger APS-H sensor offers a cleaner picture at high iso. The word should be “more contrasty”. There’s something about those files from the 1D Mark IV that seems more pleasant to the eyes than the 1.6x crop sensor of the 7D Mark II.
Below are shots made at ISO 51 200, both at 300mm f/4. I shot in raw and applied noise reduction in post.
Canon 7D mark II
The Canon 1D Mark is cleaner at high iso, but smaller resolution too.
Canon 1D Mark ii on the left, Canon 7D Mark II on the right.
If you don’t see a world of difference, don’t worry: there isn’t one. I’ll have way more real world test when I’m down in Brazil… for now I got to review these cameras in the city, which they aren’t made for.