Alcohol vs Covid19 in Canada.
Cold hard FACTS
There was 75 000 hospitalizations due to alcohol in 2015-2016. Yet, we did not go under a lockdown, nor did the government banned the sale of it. If anything, nobody flinched or cared.
75 000 hospitalizations.
In a year.
Due to alcohol.
Throughout Canada.
Let that sink in for a second.
There have been 18 000 cases of covid19 that were hospitalized in the last 8 months in Canada. In those numbers, how many were truly covid19 cases? Remember that ALL OF THEM might have been misdiagnosed, for the PCR tests are between 33% to 100% ineffective to isolate the covid19 virus. The PCR test will always indicate a positive result after 35x spin, as told by Dr. Fauci himself.
See the numbers for yourself! All the sources are at the end of the article.
Covid19 hospitalization cases.
18 000 for covid19.
78 000 for alcohol.
For Canadians concerned about the virus… Do not worry! It’s all a racket. If the government would really care about you, they would ban sugar, cigarettes and alcohol. But they don’t give a flying fuck about you: they want you to be a good servant. Stay home, save lives. Right? But keep on drinkin’
They are removing most of your freedom to protect you against a virus that has a 99.96% survival rate. In other words, you’re getting coerced into a 1984-world, into a communist state, and you’re asking for it by keeping your head buried in the sand.
If we bring that back home, say to the Northwest Territories, we had 475 hospitalizations caused entirely by alcohol in 2015-2016. Due to covid19? 2 (two) – both of them had a pre-existing condition.
But let’s shut down our economy, rip families apart, give away our freedom, for this virus! Fuck it! The government suddenly cares about our inuits and our young college dropout men in northern communities and women that get rape cause alcohol so fucking prevalent in Inuvik and Deetah… so fuck em! We must only be scared of the covid19! Let’s keep giving young First Nation male the tools to nail their own coffin! Let’s make sure they do wear a mask against a disease that does not really exist other than in the news. We don’t want them to show their face in public. Or giving hugs to each other. No. Let them drink to oblivion in their igloos –by themselves– cause that’s a better thing than them facing a non-existing disease. Right? RIGHT? (reminds me of this 500 pages report… made by the Quebec government concerning the way the gov treated the First Nation communities in the 1950s-80s. Read it. They killed their dog so they couldn’t go anywhere. Then, they introduced alcohol…)
If you are intelligent, look at the data. Not CBC. Not CTV. Not CNN. Look at Stats Canada and other government statistics. Are you sure –are you damn fucking sure– that the data support the removal of some of our freedom?
Many of the smartest men on Earth did research the data…, and they went to sign The Great Barrington Declaration. The plandemic is over. The data do not support a communist takeover. Sorry. Try again.
Canadian Center on Abuse Substance.
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): Epidemiology update (November 3rd Update)
Examining Hospitalizations Entirely Caused by Alcohol and Strategies to Reduce Alcohol Harm
Mind and Spirit: Promoting Mental Health and Addictions Recovery in the Northwest Territories
Alcoholism in the NWT