"We are in this together" – the greatest lie of the century.

or of the decade for sure!

Yeah so come and tell me to my face that we are in this together.

That’s what the UN, Trudeau, the WHO and the Elites and the singing superstars are screaming in our face.

”We are all in this together!”

Except that… we aren’t.

”We are all in this together!”

No. We are not all in this together.

”We are all in this together!”

It’s a joke! It’s all a joke! It’s double-speak straight out of 1984! They are mocking us right in our face! And the mass of zombies looooove it. Oh they freaking do. Sorry for my tone. It’s just… that I cannot believe people gob down this story of “togetherness”. It’s a sham, a scam, a plot, call it whatever you want: it ain’t real. We are most certainly NOT all in this together.

This pandemy (fakedemy for the pro-thinkers) was supposed to be an “unifier”. The Great Unifier. It was supposed to bring the world together! Well, of course not. It was always meant to be a tool of division to entertain Jeff Bezo in his bunker in New Zealand and Others (that shall not be named) that are jerking off on the death toll of starved babies in Zam-fucking-bia or Zimba-fucking-bwe. I’m pissed.

No, this pandemy is anything but a great unifier. It is more or less sealing the faith of hundreds of million of poor people in countries like Haiti, Venezuela, Colombia, Malawi and the god-forsaken country of Ethiopia.

But you don’t even have to go that freaking far! In Canada too we’re facing some sort of division. The wealthy are sitting on their cottage’s porch and paying photographers to get them a “porchtrait” (yeah, that’s a new thing: a photographer comes in front of your house and takes picture of you and your fam sitting on the porch. Welcome to Canada o_0) and they all order their food online and shop for the lastest camping gear on thelasthunt dot com while the poor are forced to work for a meager salary WITH the public in what we call “Essential Services”.

The poors are getting poorer and the riches are getting richer. Isn’t the story of capitalism (a story that I prefer to communism, do not worry) since the dawn of the industrial age (whatever that truly was)?

Lebanon is starting to have food-related riots. (article #2, article #3)

Venezuela? Let’s not even go there. A man even got shot as he was trying to get some food.

I covered extensively the situation here. This whole lockdown is nothing else than the Globalist Take-Over of the world.

So the oil industry is collapsing, the financial system is tanking… Yet, they (The Power That Be) tell us “everything will be alright”.

Everything is fine. One billion people are about to face starvation, but what the hell. They were born in a shithole, and so they shall go back to their shit little life. Fuck em. (source)

We are sleep walking towards an utopia. Not ours. Theirs. An utopia where poverty doesn’t exist. An utopia without violence. I’m not exagerating or even making this up: This is straight from their Agenda 30.

They want a united world. What they are not telling you is that they must first cull off the smart people and the political dissonent voice there’s out there. What they are not telling you is that to achieve Agenda 30 goals, they might have to trim off 1 or 2 billion people. You know, the poor. The brown and the black.


Beer tip

BlogJean Pascal