Good deals on cameras...

It’s Fall!

Good morning!

I am taking a break of politics: at this point, who knows what’s going on in this world. Stay positive, stay afloat of the game… and buy yourself a camera and go shoot!

Alright, for Canadians, the excellent 90mm f/2.0 WR Fuji is on sale on Amazon (non-affiliate link)! Only $1000CAD! It’s a steal. I never bonded with mine and returned it. Here’s a short review. I did not have the X-H1 back then, and using the 90mm f/2 handheld on my X-Pro2 was frustrating. I couldn’t take sharp image under 1/120, so forget about using the lens indoor with the X-T4 or S10 or X-H1 IBIS. I’m hold and I shake haha! I’m sure with the X-H1 I could go down to a nice 1/20 without problem, which is the difference between shooting at ISO 1600 versus 12 800 (4 stops).

The X-T3 is a steal right now at $1350CAD. You can find it bundled with a 18-55mm sometimes for 1650. Good deal.

There is an used Nikon D750 (EXCELLENT rating on Vistek, meaning “like new”) at Vistek in Ontario.

Olympus did cut a 1000 bucks on their excellent (and misunderstood) OM-D EM-1X! Now only $2800. Okay, it still makes no sense for anyone to buy this camera. I will get it when it’s at around $1200CAD. $2800 is outrageous. A Nikon D4 for about $1500 + a 70-200mm f/2.8 for $1500 is a much saner option than a M4/3 body for 2800. But if you already have a 300mm f/4 and a bunch of Olympus legacy lenses… it’s this way.



Jean Pascal