Day 4.
This is why I love Brazil. Look at this watermelon! There was a grandpa selling those on the side of a small road. Done deal. Amelie and I are eating watermelon non-stop.
Day Four
10 days left.
That’s how much time there’s left on the grace period that we live in.
The world is about to get wrecked on many folds. First, well, the obvious one, is the world is about to shutdown –to go on full lockdown– because of the coronavirus.
The second reason why it is the end of the world as we know it is based on the fact that the world turns around China. Everything. Every factories in North America or South America, well okay not every but most of them, need a part from China, or to import something (such a conveyor belt to fix a factory) or to export something (the Brazilian economy is dependent on China for soy and beef export…and wood).
Making coffee at 05:30 at a truck stop in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Driving through Minas Gerais.
I wouldn’t be so worried if it wasn’t for Event 2(0)1 (Aka Agenda 21 for those in the know) that had place last October. The Elites were talking about the simulation of an epidemic crisis…and the virus in question was the coronavirus. The full length of the discussion is available on YouTube. It is terrifying: 65 million people death, 20% to 60% of the global GDP gone…Are they just following a script now?
I wouldn’t be so worried if it wasn’t for the CDC saying, a few days ago (Feb 8th) that “there won’t be 65 million death”. Like, huh, okay. Why the precise number?
I wouldn’t be so worried if it wasn’t for China obviously giving the world wrong numbers. They lied on illegal organ harvesting; they lied on the concentration camp; they lied about their GDP. Suddenly they speak the truth? Yeah…riiiiight.
I wound’t be so worried if it wasn’t for the fact that everyone in the Americas and Europe aren’t taking the coronavirus seriously. It is obviously NOT just a fucking flu: China is shutdown. China had the equivalent of a slow-EMP detonated over their country: the country is in chaos. What is normal with that? Nothing.
The world’s chain supply havoc is about to get felt planet-wide. If you can, prepare, buy what you need now, cause tomorrow will be too late.
If the USA would be under full martial law (illegal to walk outside your house or even leave your apartment, door-to-door inspection, stiff penalties for those who don’t obey, armed road blocks everywhere), the rest of the world would be very much panicking and getting ready for a full blown global chaos, or dead-on Collapse of Modern Day Civilization. Yet, and this is the most important point of this article, twice the amount of people than the US right now are under martial law. Cities the size of Sao Paulo + LA combined are emptied and in lock-down. THIS IS NOT A NORMAL THING. You *should* be prepare for the end of the world as you read this line.
Maybe we avoid a full collapse, maybe we don’t. But they are too many flags right now that leads me to think that the Elites, aka The Power That Be, want a full collapse: The economy was about to go bust anyway and the environmental crisis is unprecedented.
Think about it: If we don’t reduce the world’s population, the whole planet goes full Venus. An option is to kill 6.5 billion people with a virus (and the social chaos that’s gonna cause…everywhere!) to save 500 millions. Who knows what the numbers are, and who cares.
The fact is a country twice the size of the US in term of population is on lockdown since weeks ago, and what we know is that there is an active campaign to suppress the truth. Zerohedge got their twitter banned. Some articles get deleted on Reddit. Some thread asking questions gets deleted. This is not a normal thing.
Things are about to get really, really ugly.
Bug out now. Far from civilization. With a community.
At least prepare for a financial collapse: if China does not resume Business As Usual within THIS WEEK (Feb 15th at the latest), expect unprecedented chaos on the supply chain.
And remember: There was 3 cases at some point in Wuhan. Then 10. Then 100. Then 1000. Then 10 000. Then as of today apparently just 50 000… yeah right. Imagine the amount of people that goes undiagnosticed. 100 000.
There is now a few in Canada and the USA. Soon 10. Then 100. Then…
Get ready.