The Most Beautiful World

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Trojan horse 2.0

How far does it need to go?

$880 to go roller-blading: Welcome to our New World.

Long article! Open yourself a beer or have a tea.

DISCLAIMER: This article is meant to provide data and opinion only. This is no medical advice or calls for action.

Part 1. Introduction: Soul In The Game & Propaganda

Part 2. Scientific data

Part 3. Police State

Part IV. Conclusion and video.

Part 1. Introduction: Soul In The Game & Propaganda

Aren’t we all trying to figure out what the ever heck is going on? Indeed we are. It’s easy to helm our mind into the rabbit hole… and you would not be crazy about doing so!

There is more to the story, this is what one can conclude after seeing the reaction of the authorities. After all, the entire planet has been shut down and half of the population is on house arrest.

A few days ago, I made the theory that maybe what the governments are preparing-to is up in the sky. I built the logic of it.

But this article will not try to find out what the hell might happen: I will focus on what is happening in plain sight. Shocking eh?

Yes: What if the conspiracy is that there is nothing more than COVID19 going on? This is our reality: we can speculate about 5G and a bunch of other things, but if there is something 100% sure, is that there is a pandemic. Well, that’s what the governments are trying to push down our throats. A pandemic. The idea of. It’d be great if the numbers would support that. I was on this whole pandemic train until the data started to appear, two weeks ago. Oh, and the global Orwellian measures aren’t very…organic. There is something off.

We are getting conned into a New World Order and the tool being used is fear coerced upon us through this soi-disant pandemic. It’s getting crazier by the day: prisoners get a free pass out of jail while a dad roller-blading gets a ticket (or maybe you prefer this scenario).

This article was born out of a desire to preach the truth. I was recently telling someone that this Stalin-like, Leningrad-style lockdown is bullshit, and he responded: “Don’t you believe in science?”

Bro. This is the thing! None of the reaction by the governments is supported by science, but rather by fear and hysteria.\

Also, rule #4 of the Game of Life: Never believe a leader that cannot sink with the ship. That is called Soul In The Game and a concept preached by Taleb Nassim (in his excellent book with the same name). Never believe a doctor that is paid by Big Pharma. Believe the one that actually could lose his career if he doesn’t diagnose something the right way! That’s right: if a doctor working for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, you can bet he has a secret agenda. But that’s speculation, so let’s move on.

And it isn’t like the WHO would have faked a pandemic. Riiiight?

And it isn’t like the WHO spent more on travelling than fighting pandemics, am I riiiiight? The World Health Organization “routinely has spent about $200 million a year on travel expenses, more than what it doles out to fight some of the biggest problems in public health, including AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined.”

And it isn’t like the guy running the show isn’t super shady and been accused of crime against humanity before. Or covering up a Cholera pandemic.

These are the leaders that are supposed to have our interest and our health in mind. I am supposed to listen to these people and comply (otherwise, I’m against “science”). Excuse me if I am a bit skeptical. Excuse me if I have a problem that Canada follows blindly the orders of the WHO.

Never believe a man that has some financial interest and something to gain from a pandemic.

Notice in Other Positions his past positions with Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation and Global Vaccine Action Plan. Oh, that’s also a current title. Totally not a conflict of interest.

Fun fact: Did you know that some past German NAZI scientists made some terrible medical experiments on the P.O.W and justified their actions as “necessary for the health of the population” and “to advance science.” Anyone opposing their actions would have been told: “Bruh, you’re anti-science and anti-public-health?”

Never forget this. Do not forget your history – the cost of doing so is genocide.

And so our quest for the truth continues.

Last February I thought there was a cover-up on how fatal the Wuhan Flu truly was. I was shocked to see Canada and the USA not even acknowledging the risk of the pandemic. The WHO refused to say it was a pandemic until March 10th, despite China being on lockdown since January 24th. Despite having a horrible outbreak on cruise ships. Our governments just stayed quiet and went BAU.

I was tempted to think that they wanted everyone infected. Flights from China kept coming until mid-March to Canada! Despite the gravity of the situation, Canada did not impose a mandatory 14-days quarantine until March 26th at midnight. That’s the day I landed in Toronto and got out of the security and border control: No test, no temperature test, no questioning, just free to go. March 26th. I mean, it’s like they wanted people to get infected! (I will make a quick parenthesis on that: The argument for this reasoning is that the more people get infected, the crazier the lockdown can be: after all, you need a good excuse to shut down Canada. You can’t do it with 2 infected people. By extending the exposure to covid19 to Canadians, it increases the percentage of infected Canadians and then can turn yourself around a month later and say “Look at all those cases! We need to shut down the country for another month!” Just like Operation Northwood was created to justify the mean to an end, I thought Operation Coronavirus was going to be used to justify the draconian measure. Was I right? You tell me at the end of this article.)

But we got conned into this, I should have known better. For those who don’t know, the day after Event 201 in October, a Reddit user created an account and stayed dormant until late January. He then created the sub /r/coronavirus, /r/china_flu and /r/wuhan_flu and controlled (“moderated”) the discussions. Of course, all the juicy information got deleted until he apparently got “banned” by the Reddit admins (which, I’ll point out, are also owned by CCP). Many soon-to-be-deleted posts were about how we can stop breathing or fall dead on the ground, just by having the virus (no symptom, just dropping dead like flies). I believed the random Reddit user posting pictures of people dying and those random “leaked” videos. We were coerced into believing these posts were guys from China “leaking” information to us, citizens of the Free World. Keep this information in your head for the next minute.

I did think this was the cover-up: That a bio-weapon got released at BSLU 4 in Wuhan and the world authorities were trying to hide the truth. After all, you don’t shut down your country for a simple flu-like virus! You don’t go kill whistleblowers like that doctor that blew the whistle in early December 2019 if he didn’t say something wrong, do you?

But China did.

Were we all conned through a double-reverse psychologically tactic? Stay with me, I’m building something here.

I didn’t think we did until a leaked document (got scrubbed from the internet last week, weird. Good thing I had an offline copy!) from Germany. It is the blueprint on what to do for this pandemic. It has a page on how-to-use-proper-propaganda-tactics-over-our-population. On page 13, there is this gold nugget (rough translation, original in German). Read the whole goddamn thing anyway.

“In order to achieve the desired shock effect, the concrete effects of a human to society”…

“Choking or not breathing enough air is a primal fear for everyone…”

Source (in German).

They are totally engineered scare tactic to put fear into Germans and force them into compliance!

That’s what they did on the biggest website on the internet: they fuelled us with fear and fake leaked documents.


I took the bait.

There are no reasons to believe that Canada, the USA or any of the G20 countries aren’t doing the same. If anything, it is probably worst. (Sure, I get it: most employees and government staff are thinking there is a TERRIBLE pandemic happening. They are doing their job. Just like the NAZI SS throwing bodies in chemical showers. Just a job. You get the point: Just a job isn’t much of an argument. Never will be.)

The governments are scamming us into a sort of weird Black Mirror reality. Drones are getting used to brainwash people (“Stay home, save lives!” – oh, you don’t want to obey? Well… then…You rather kill YOUR GRANDMOTHER AND BABIES AND OMG YOU ARE WORST THAN HITLER IS THAT TRULY WANT YOU WANT TO DO? KILL BABIES AND PEOPLE? )

This virus is being used to test us, scare us, and introduce a bunch of crippling new absurdities in the world, all with the goal of destroying our rights and privacy. We are at the dawn of the new era… They are passing bills to track us (also check out Austria) and force vaccination on us (see Denmark!): this is just the beginning. We cannot criticize anything because “muuuuh PuBliC hEaLtH” and the sheep bows down in submission to their overlord and get ready to lynch any non-sayers.

The media are laughing at us whenever we fight back or call bullshit on this whole shitshow. They want to label us crazy for not accepting a New World Order. They are labelling us insane for being able to think critically.

Okay then!

Let’s observe the data!

After all, we should be guided by reason and let our personal agenda and opinion aside. Here in Quebec, Legault said on April 9th press conference that 99% of the death had already a complication and 89% were over 70 years old. Even Francois Legault doesn’t understand why the schools are still shutdown: The data suggests it’s…not that bad. But he has an overlord called Justin Trudeau who has an overlord called Xi Jimping who has an overlord called Bill Gates ;) Let’s dive in.

Oh, one more thing. Why are nurses silenced? (Alt-link in case it goes 404 on you) Weird. That would never happen in North America! Oh, wait. (mirror here)


Part 2. Data and more data!

Every day, new studies show how the COVID19 isn’t much more fatal than the typical flu. Here’s a quote from the latest study based on Italy and the Netherland: “The COVID-19 death risk in people <65 years old during the period of fatalities from the epidemic was equivalent to the death risk from driving between 9 miles per day (Germany) and 415 miles per day (New York City). People <65 years old and not having any underlying predisposing conditions accounted for only 0.3%, 0.7%, and 1.8% of all COVID-19 deaths in the Netherlands, Italy, and New York City. “

Source: original & archive.

So what why were we people told that COVID19 was like airborne-HIV?

2 possibilities:

1) It is. It is really that bad. The over-reaction of the government only makes sense because they know it was a bio-weapon, and they want to protect us.

2) It isn’t. The virus doesn’t exist. Remember the lady screaming at the top of her lung in the street of Wuhan “IT IS A LIE IT IS A LIE ALL OF IT IT IS A LIE”? Yeah, maybe she was on something.

I have no reason to believe it is #1 anymore. What scared me, and the reason I came back to Canada, was the united response, worldwide. Argentina… had already everything in place for the crisis. I was reading the local news, the North American news and the European. At the same time, mid-March, the world all had the same motto “Stay home, stay safe.” Even social distancing was in every tongue. That didn’t sit well with me. It was obviously too coordinated.

And then they shut down national parks. FIshing. Camping. Parks. They want people inside. 2 meters apart. Nothing makes any sense. Unless they want to force their Agenda 21 down our throat. After all, they want to get back to less than 500 million people by 2030 or something like that (that’s my theory based on years of reading… I won’t defend it too strongly).

Seeing Bill Gates rushing to give us a vaccine is absurd. Their agenda is getting clearer by the day. I mean, when they banned people from going to beaches in Nova Scotia, or to buy seed to grow food in Vermont, I knew that it had nothing to do with the virus. Actually, when they released prisoners from jail… that’s when I knew they were pushing for a collapse.

Their plan is domination through a war of attrition over our finance, liberties and food supply.

1) Shutdown the world;

2) Collapse the economy;

3) Turn the world into a real-life hunger game;

4) Having the 1% at the top feeding us and giving us money.

I explored in this article and one how the over-reaction of the government makes no sense.




  • A Danish study shows that the mortality rate is only 1.6 per thousand, which is 20x lower than the WHO estimated. They decided to re-open school next week. (Data obtained from blood analysis).

    • Translated study.

    • Interesting quote: We arrive at a much lower figure of 1.6 per thousand. So if we have 1,000 Danes who have had this infection, there are one to two who died with it, says Henrik Ullum, a consultant and professor at the National Hospital.

    • Back-up link here.

  • 99% of the dead had a pre-existing condition in Italy according to many studies.

    • Here, from Bloomberg. Here from the Istituto Superiore di Sanità itself (Italy, of course).

    • Here is the new PDF report from the ISDS with the April 9th data. The new percentage is… sit tight… 96.5%! 96.5% of the patients had 1 or more pre-existing conditions (comorbidity). Also, it is to be noticed that the median is 80 years old. 16 000 people infected. That’s starting to be a set of significant data.

  • Austria’s mortality rate between men and women compared to “normal” curve;

  • 40 000 Americans died last year of the flu according to the CDC. (mirror alt-link, secondary IMG back-up here)

  • On average, 7700 Americans die per year according to the CDC (mirror alt-link) –However, the CDC asked for every death to be tested for coronavirus…and if tested positive, they ask the doctors to write death from coronavirus (rather than with) on the death certificate. Don’t believe me? That’s the CDC’s instruction (back-up link): Some gold nuggets:

    • “COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death

    • “The underlying cause depends upon what and where conditions are reported on the death certificate. However, the rules for coding and selection of the underlying cause of death are expected to result in COVID- 19 being the underlying cause more often than not,” the guidelines read.

    • It gets worst! Check out this great Q/A from the US FDA: “Positive results may be due to past or present infection with non-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains, such as coronavirus HKU1, NL63, OC43, or 229E.” Great.

    • Just to make sure the reader gets it, the CDC says, about the common cold, "Common human coronaviruses, including types 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1, usually cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold. Most people get infected with one or more of these viruses at some point in their lives. " How many false-positive is there? You would expect a fool-proof testing method before shutting down the world. This is not what is happening. The method gives a bunch of false and true positives. Yet, the governments double-down on their lockdown.

    • Montana physician Dr. Annie Bukacek (her clinic) puts it better than I could:

      Few people know how much individual power and leeway is given to the physician, coroner, or medical examiner, signing the death certificate.  How do I know this?  I've been filling out death certificates for over 30 years.

      More often than we want to admit, we don’t know with certainty the cause of death when we fill out death certificates.  That is just life.  We are doctors, not God.  Autopsies are rarely performed and even when an autopsy is done the actual cause of death is not always clear.  Physicians make their best guesstimate and fill out the form.  Then that listed cause of death … is entered into a vital records data bank to use for statistical analysis, which then gives out inaccurate numbers, as you can imagine.  Those inaccurate numbers then become accepted as factual information even though much of it is false. So even before we heard of COVID-19, death certificates were based on assumptions and educated guesses that go unquestioned. 

      When it comes to COVID-19 there is the additional data skewer, that is –get this— there is no universal definition of COVID-19 death.  The Centers for Disease Control, updated from yesterday, April 4th, still states that mortality, data includes both confirmed and presumptive positive cases of COVID-19.  That’s from their website.

      Translation?  The CDC counts both true COVID-19 cases and speculative guesses of COVID-19 the same.  They call it death by COVID-19.  They automatically overestimate the real death numbers, by their own admission.  Prior to COVID-19, people were more likely to get an accurate cause of death written on their death certificate if they died in the hospital.  Why more accurate when a patient dies in the hospital?  Because hospital staff has physical examination findings labs, radiologic studies, et cetera, to make a good educated guess.  It is estimated that 60 percent of people die in the hospital.  But even [with] those in-hospital deaths, the cause of death is not always clear, especially in someone with multiple health conditions, each of which could cause death.

    • Good article here on this insanity.

    • It doesn’t stop there! This study shows “a potentially high false-negative rate of real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) testing for SARS-CoV-2 in the 610 hospitalized patients clinically diagnosed with COVID-19 during the 2019 outbreak. We also found that the RT-PCR results from several tests at different points were variable from the same patients during the course of diagnosis and treatment of these patients.” What is the true reliability of a RT-PCR test? After all, those are the tests used to justify the shutdown of the modern-day civilization…

  • Below are two graphs from this reliable source (and good article too) and the CDC. The media don’t tell you that the numbers are…pretty much the same as every single winter in Europe.

Woah would you look at that! Sauce:

  • It gets better.  Roussel Y. et al. just finished a study using data from 2016: it shows a 0.8% mortality rate (that is, before the SARS-CoV-2 mutation). That is, it ranges from 0.36 to 2.7%. The current data from France suggests a 1.3%-1.6% death rate from SARS-CoV-2 (causing the COVID19 disease). These numbers suggest that the pandemic is not outside of the normal fatality rate of the common cold.

  • Is the Coronavirus has deadly as they say? From Stanford University.

  • Pablo Goldschmidt, a world renowned virologist from Argentina, calls bullshit on the measure the governments are taking. I strongly agree with him! (being a fan of Hannah Arendt’s writings)”. The article as a whole is a must-read. This is the back-up, in case it gets deleted.

    • "We are all locked up. There are drones in Nice that fine people from the air. Look where this control got. You have to read Hannah Arendt, look at how the origins of totalitarianism were. When someone scares the people, they do what they want with them… ”

  • The more test, the more positive cases, as seen below. Data sources: BAG (Switzerland), RKI (GER), COVID Tracking Project (US), Santé publique France (France). Updated 13/04/2020.


  • The fatality rate in South Korea is 0.6%.

  • The fatality rate in Iceland is 0.1%

  • The fatality rate in Germany is 0.3%

    • The probability of dying from the disease is 0.37 percent based on the total number of people infected. Based on the total population, 0.06 percent of the people would die from Covid-19. 

  • Some Swiss nurses are saying it as it is! Good on ‘em. I recommend reading the whole letter (translated here) (original in german).

    • […] What strikes us here in Lucerne is the fact that there have been only a few infections perceptibly in the past four weeks, some corona-positive tests, but all practically with mild, flu-like symptoms and consequent healing. However, we see completely different phenomena: empty agendas with us general practitioners and also with specialists, patients who cancel their appointments with us because of the fear of the virus, an empty emergency practice and more and more patients with anxiety disorders and panic attacks. Although we do not have a professor title and mostly have no university background, but without wanting to take ourselves seriously in any way, we could still be called the actual corona specialists: we treat countless patients with viral or bacterial infections every year, mostly outpatient and the viral infections whenever possible without the use of antibiotics. We send serious cases to the hospital and leave the others at home if possible so that they can spare themselves and not spread the disease. So we should be the first to detect a highly contagious and dangerous infectious disease. Why do many of us have to register short-time work, why are our waiting rooms empty and why do we not find any dangerous infections?

      It is, of course, difficult to assess whether this development in Central Switzerland can be attributed to the measures decided by the Federal Council to contain the pandemic. What we see, however, is the above-mentioned discrepancy between the threat scenario, which is particularly fueled by the media, and our reality. The measures are very drastic for all of us and also interfere with our constitutional fundamental rights.

  • The number of death per year in France. Check this out. So far, the 2020 numbers are on par or lower than the last years.

Numbers from France: Left to right, 2016, 2017, 2018.

Here in Quebec, check this out (the blue line on the graph below, taking from the Quebec government website)


It’s like we, human beings, forgot that death is… a normal thing! It’s like we don’t want anybody to die anymore! Here’s a newsflash for you… While you were living a normal life, people were dying in an old’s person home (CHLSD in Quebec), in hospital, at there home… Yes, it is a tragedy, but that’s part of the game of life…. dying… We shut down the whole goddamn world for a 1% fatality rate disease that might or might not even be lethal for people under 60 years old. We need to protect our elders. I agree with that. But if we are not balanced in our approach, more people will die of hunger and financial hardship and what goes with it (suicide, depression, violence, etc) than the COVID19!

In Quebec, our Prime Minister Francois Legault announced that 89% of the deceased were over 60 years old and 99% had pre-existing conditions (Legault Press Conference 09/04/2020). We need to isolate our elderly, that’s evident. But shall we stop the younger generation from living? Working?

No. And kudos to our very independent government in Quebec, they want to re-open school asap and construction sectors. They based their reaction based on Wuhan and Italy’s data: they are now realizing that… we are not experiencing a pandemic here in Quebec. And because Quebec was always the black sheep of America, we might actually be able to fight the NWO (or whatever agenda Gates and Rockefeller are planning) as a nation. Our government is leaning towards Separatism (Quebec separates itself from Canada): Legault doesn’t seem to care too much about Trudeau, nor trusting too much the guy. Some governments are also realizing the non-sense of the lockdown (Austria, Sweden and Taiwan).

We need to protect the elderly. We need to protect those who need to be protected. We all got caught in the scared-pandemic. We now see the data. Maybe now it is time to change our tactics. The fact that some governments (of the countries where nothing is happening) are doubling-down on the lockdown is crazy.


Source: dpa/Robert Michael

Turn-on Auto-Translation and watch this great video. Germany still has good news media!

Part 4. Conclusion

So what’s to come? What’s the agenda? Agenda 21, Agenda 30, none of them, all of them? Are they also preparing for a close encounter with a fragment of an asteroid? Who the hell knows! And we don’t really have to fear that, cause it is pure speculation. As Catte from OffGuardian puts it so beautifully…

It should be obvious by now to anyone that the covid19 pandemic, whatever its origins, is being used to fast forward a “new normal” world of unparalleled government power, surveillance and curtailment of individual liberty.

We are looking already at:

  • Compulsory DNRs for some elderly. 

  • Biometric chips or bracelets to monitor whether or not you have permission to be outside your home or engage in work 

  • Drone surveillance as normal.

  • Apps on your phone that can detect any breach of the self-isolation policy.

  • Huge new police powers of arrest and detention for anyone suspected of carrying the virus.

  • Suspension of elections for indefinite periods at government discretion

And this is only the starter course.

Whatever is happening… we have a take-over of the planet by the Globalist (Nazi 2.0): this is what I can observe everywhere. Who cares if a supervolcano might explode next month: Right now, the chart of rights and liberties has been swept under the rug under the excuse of “muuuuuh public health”.

I invite the reader to read this analysis by a Swiss doctor. This is the translated version. This is the original. He covers some points that I do not. He gives some other perspective on the subject.

If you haven’t read it yet, I invite you to read this article as well.

As usual, I highly recommend giving a look at Gail Tveberg comment section. Her articles are scary –she is a bit alone out there preaching the tale of a deflationary collapse since 2014. I think she nailed it, back in 2015. Her latest article makes too much sense for your average news media, so here it is. Read the comments… Some good stuff. Sometimes.

Finally, here’s a video by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg from the University of Hamburg.

May the truth prevail upon us.


Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg is the first specialist we met to understand the current crisis about the coronavirus. Please support us so that we can investigate furth...

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