The Most Beautiful World

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Dancing After The Music Stops: Spiritual Field Manual On How To Thrive At The Game of Life.

Very à propos right meow

I wrote this book (and published it last year!) after reading 500 non-fiction books and pdf about the nature of reality. I wrote it thinking the world was about to end. I remember starting to drive from the Yukon to Mexico back in 2016 and thinking, what the hell am I doing? Why would I travel and spend all my hard-earned money when I could simply buy a house and have a quiet life and build a nest during my 20s?

I made a bet with myself. I wrote it somewhere in a journal. I made the bet that the world was ending soon, maybe 2018, maybe 2019, maybe 2020.

Just a gut feeling… well, not exactly. For if you read a lot, it wasn’t that hard to figure that one out. I thought we had more time –don’t we always do? More time and one day: the things we don’t have, but think we do, until we test the tenets in which we live our life– but apparently we don’t and so we must keep dancing even if the war drums can be heard from not too far away.

I hope you enjoy the book. It’s free if you can’t afford it, see on that page. And if you can, well, feel free to use one of those links.

To write its sequel, I must live it first.

Thank you,
