Quebec now requiring Wax-Pass to attend church

Quebec’s turn to go full psycho

Canada is falling so quick! Hard to keep up!

After British Columbia and New Brunswick, it’s Quebec’s turn to go full tyrant:

No, you don’t need to go to church to worship God. Our biggest issue, here at the Underground Church of Canada, is that religious rights infringements are always a canary in the coal mine for the freedom of everyone.

In other words, now it’s Christians’ turn to get their rights trammelled. Tomorrow, it’s the atheist’s. So, yeah. Whether you’re a christian or not isn’t the point. We are both getting screwed up by a technocratic totalitarian regime.

If you wonder why a vaccine passport is so wrong to attend church –to hear the Word of the Creator–, then I can only encourage you to read our white paper, and this article.

Alberta, what’s your plan? Cause you’re next.

Jean Pascal