The next reset…

My man Earthquakevolcano on Reddit just put it beautifully, concerning the Joe biden’s remark about the incoming Dark Winter: “I think it's multi faceted. It will be a dark winter, literally/figuratively/spiritually

People are about to be tested in real ways.

Consider the sun right now, going fucking nuts. The earth is shaking and about to groan. Volcanoes are popping off everywhere

We are entering a period of global cooling and slaves to the TV are about to be blind sided

Add that Bill Gate's  dupers delight when talking about the second wave getting people's attention

War drums are beating constantly

It's almost like the hidden hand resets society at will and has done this many times....

What happened between 1776 and 1812 (generic time span, but that general period ). Could that have been the most recent reset?

Letting a new Empire rise (USA) while another falls (Taratry or similar)

We are in the shit now. Stock up and fill your hearts with love. Be brave.”

Combine that to the fact that the Elites nuked… and that we had a few whistleblowers coming out to depict the incoming scenario… and Ben from the Suspicious Observer ringing the alarm bell…

Yeah. Time to love a little bit more… and make a survival plan if you don’t have one already. Shit is about to hit the fan. You need to survive this incoming crisis for you have to tell our kids what it means to be a human being.

I do expect the grid to go down anytime from now. We are in 2012 on the Mayan Calendar until Sept 11th 2021.



Jean Pascal