The Intersection

Here is an intersection. This precise one is at the border after Peru, where you can choose to go to Chile or Bolivia.

Here is an intersection. This precise one is at the border after Peru, where you can choose to go to Chile or Bolivia.

The hearsay of the no-sayers and the scrofulous haters that indulge in the unkempt of the story below can quell their mind by eking their anger of existence on the lapse of time remaining on their own forlorn demise. 

Or one can turn anger to joy by groping the maw of that precise abhorent feeling, labeling it, killing it in action, and show nobility of character. Everything shall pass, and only love remains.

The Intersection. 

A short essay on decision-making.

SPOILER ALERTS: I turned right.

Proses of roses echoing through the speakers.

Ed Sheehan singing, you know.

Emotions were slowly dripping out of my heart like butter dissolving in the sun’s aura. 

The clear light, the pure energy, the terse force, was again at work. Work that started when I was 16 through a kundalini awakening moment. And here I was, at 21, starring blanky at The Intersection, having a moment with the universe. A moment like when Jacob was fighting with the Lord himself.

I turned down the stereo. Ed Sheehan is good in moderation, and the poetic song was over and I had a despotic mind to answer to. The forlorn of my own soliloquized heart was already sad enough.

Should I go straight? 

Should I veer to the right?

Should the gallop of my heart and the throbbing of my mind stays put in the offing of the ocean of uncertainty?

Could the horizon be contemplated and admired and revelled without the craving to run towards it?

I had a decision to make.

Going straight was going to a party to do the same thing as every 20-something would do: have a drink, maybe two or maybe five, check out the ladies around, trying to get a generic feeling of acceptance by others, go home, rinse and repeat. Going right meant going to Whitehorse to buy books and read. It was mostly a stance against the cufflinks that comes with the game of partying.

Why? Why was the Universe making the now such a big deal? I went countless times to the city. I never went partying that much. Could I not just go to one for once?

I decided to turn right.

I went on my way to Whitehorse. Never went to that party. That decision stayed with me for six years, each and everyday.

That intersection represented in my life a choice I had to make between living a life of exceptionalism brilliance or decadent mediocrity. Not that parties are wrong. But the choice I had to make was a life-long guidance and light tower in the fog of life.

There is only forward and backward speed in life. You either grope with your demons and take a stance for something worth fighting for, let’s say invincibility of character and nobility of actions.

There is such a thing as good and bad life decisions.
— Jean-Pascal Remon
Good life decision can lead one to drive in Montevideo in a convertible Jeep.

Good life decision can lead one to drive in Montevideo in a convertible Jeep.

Good life decision leads to drive the Dempster Highway. (Okay, to be fair, summer tire was a BAD idea hahaha)

Good life decision leads to drive the Dempster Highway. (Okay, to be fair, summer tire was a BAD idea hahaha)

Good life decision = Getting paid to be in nature.

Good life decision = Getting paid to be in nature.

Good life decision = Mountaineering in the Yukon Territory.

Good life decision = Mountaineering in the Yukon Territory.

Good life decision = driving a topless, doorless Jeep in Baja California.

Good life decision = driving a topless, doorless Jeep in Baja California.

I just want to be the harbinger bringing the world the news that indeed, there is such a thing as good and bad decision. The energy and the nature of reality does not come with a good vs evil nature, but what you decide to create as a reality can have a positive outcome and a negative one.

In life, one can stand in front of brutal reality. Stepping over death bodies in Rio de Janeiro is no joke. Walking down the alleys of others’ mortality – therefore your own – is a fair game that every Man should undertake.

The outcome of such a trial of the mind leads to a certain type of harmony of existence.
Invincibility of character, nobility of actions & purity of heart.

These are keys to achieve happiness.

Happiness is a real thing.

Jordan B. Peterson, among many other professors, teach the mass that meaning is a better thing to chase than happiness. I agree. Happiness is a result of that chase. It’s an outcome.

It is a very popular idea among the awakened that there isn’t duality anymore: Good vs evil isn’t a real thing, and every choices are a step towards your destiny.

It isn’t that I disagree: I agree, but let’s not stay there. There is such thing as better and worst. There is such a thing as beautiful results and terrible, chaotic outcome.

I’m challenge you to set your heart towards the beautiful world that is possible to create. There is a whole world of suffering out there. Suffering is real.

Good life decisions are something, I would say, important.
It isn’t true that any decision you make will result in the most beautiful world. Truth is, every world, every reality exist in the many worlds, in the akashic record, or somewhere hidden in the holofractal universe. I stand here as an harbinger of the better world, the most beautiful one, telling you to chase that motherfucker like your life depends on it.

People will be affected by the way you stand today and the choice you made now.



Good life decision = driving a Jeep on the largest salt flat in the world.

Good life decision = driving a Jeep on the largest salt flat in the world.

Good life decision = running on a beach in Brazil at 0600 AM

Good life decision = running on a beach in Brazil at 0600 AM

As one goes through life, multiple intersection comes along. It isn’t true that every roads lead you to the same place in life. It isn’t true in Canada: Take a left, and you end-up somewhere 100% different than the right turn.

Usually, most people have a rough idea if they are walking on the path of their destiny or not. If they aren’t, they can justify their standing in life by saying such things as “there isn’t a right or wrong move. As long as I make a turn, a decision, a step on the intersection, I’ll end up somewhere good. I am the maker of my own reality.”.

Yes, yes you are. But you can use some rules in the game of life to leverage your life up. Let’s say that every morning you go for a jog. No matter what, at 0500 you’re up and running. You use running to sharpen up your mental clarity. During the day, the intersection you come up with will align themselves with the beat you set your day off. It’s simple as start. Start your day with ambiguity of actions and you’ll end up right in the middle of an intersection wondering what to do.

In the end, there is a worst thing than going straight or turning right: that is, not even making a decision. Passivity is the killer of any dreams, any ideas, any relationships. The moment you think that someone else is responsible for where you are in life, that’s the moment you entered in the realm of hell. For hell is the separation of yourself with your divine nature. To be separated from your true identity, that you are alone here, creator of the universe in a way (kill someone: voila, you end up in jail. That’s a reality one can create. Or build a school for orphans: Boom, kids will learn things and might become a doctor to save life. Satan to Jesus: The full spectrum of what’s possible for you. You decide).

No one can ever create a reality that you don’t want to be part of. You alone allow decide where to be in life.

All the best,

Jean-Pascal Remon