20 books to read before 20 years old

The reading list for men.

This is a legit compilation – I read every book in this list and about 400 others. These books will mentor you through your 20s. It lays down a solid foundation to build your frame as a man.

  1. Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging by Sebastian Junger (classic)

  2. Seduction by Robert Greene (YES!)

  3. The Game by Neil Strauss (MORE RED PILL MATERIAL. Kidding. But yeah.)

  4. Zen And The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (READ IT before joining the military or an university! This book is so good. I think I bought four copies of it.

  5. Seven Brief Lessons on Physics by Carlo Rovelli (Read it till you get it. Then apply book #3 on the list)

  6. You Are The Universe by Deepak Chopra (You are. It’s true.)

  7. On Killing by Dave Grossman (every men should read it, even if you are not considering joining the military)

  8. Eat Dirt by Josh Axe (keto friendly book)

  9. Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins (this book will make you want to go run 100 miles race)

  10. Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink (A must! Talks about owning up to your mistake and such)

  11. The Tao of Wu by RZA (I was so surprised with this book…It is one of my all time favorite. So damn good)

  12. Own The Day Own Your Life by Aubrey Marcus (Solid alright book, easy to read. Marcus drives the points home. Fun read)

  13. Limitless mind by Russell Targ (Dry but oh well. Interesting)

  14. Six Degrees by Mark Lynas (What will happen on Earth this century)

  15. Soulcraft by Bill Plotins

  16. Iron John by Robert Bly

  17. A Language Older Than Words by Derrick Jensen

  18. Ego is The Enemy by Ryan Holiday

  19. Any book by Alan Watts. THE BOOK is a good one.

  20. Left of Bang by Patrick Van Horne

One extra: Living with SEAL by Jesse something. So damn funny. Even funnier when you know that the SEAL in question is David Goggins.

Enjoy your read!

I absolutely loved this book…Dumbing Us Down. Everybody in the Western Society has to read this one.

I absolutely loved this book…Dumbing Us Down. Everybody in the Western Society has to read this one.