Going full 1984
Do not trust the government.
Like. Ever.
The least of our worries is the virus. The threat comes from above.
“The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”
Excellent read: https://swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/
Too many things to cover!
Bill Gates wants to micro chip everybody. See his foundation funded by… Yes, the Rockerfeller. MIT has an article too.
Google is tracking everybody cellphones! BBC has a terrifying article. Orwellian to the max. TheVerge has an article too.
The US Government wants to abolish end-to-end encryption. See the EARN IT bill. Dystopian.
UK Gov explores the possibility to make a digital currency.
Read this one: https://www.globalresearch.ca/covid-19-coronavirus-crisis/5706741
Here in Canada, the police has now the right to locate everyone with their smartphone. Incredible.
So I made it back to Canada after understanding the bigger picture. Two months ago, I thought it The Power That Be decided to pull the plug on modern day civilization, so I decided to go in the Patagonia. But I was wrong: They want to depopulate the world, yes, but more importantly, they want to control it. So I wanted to be with my family for this fun chapter of Agenda 21.
Agenda 21: To make vaccines mandatory and track us with an embedded chip (yes, via 5G network). You think this is crazy talk? Well, not according to Bill Gates, who at the end of March of this year went on Reddit and clearly mentioned his goal to impose on us a “digital certificate”.
The Elites are crashing on purpose the world’s economy. More will die from the economic collapse than the virus itself. The virus isn’t even that bad, contrary to what the medias is saying.
Remember: In January and February 2020, they REFUSED to tell the truth about the virus. They WANTED people to get infected. Why? Cause they needed people to get infected to make the point…
If they really wanted us safe, they would have shutdown the world about 2 months ago. Now, people are dying. And now, they can instaure panic, because OMG PEOPLE ARE DYING and we all know someone in our town that has it. They needed to get a lot of people infected in order to cause panic. Cause panic causes fear. And fear is the medium they (The Power That Be) uses to pass law to remove our freedom. Think Patriot Act in due to 9/11 (which was totally an inside job, and goes to show that TPTB have no problem killing 3000 people or 300 000).
Now, you can’t even go outside in many countries! 1 billion people are in lockdown! This is unprecedented. The whole structure of modern civilization is on the verge of collapsing.
The WHO knew how bad it was, yet they refused to ring the alarm bell until…mid-March! Absurd. Absurd.
Pretty soon, you won’t be able to go anywhere without a chip (that comes with a vaccine).
They are really pushing the One World Government hard these days, and conditioning the sheep to turn each other to the police.
Canada is going full Gestapo, and this is extremely sad.
It’s again the Commies. I always joked that WWIII won’t happen because WWII was never over. The NAZI just fled to USA and Argentina and southern Chile, partnering up with the famous Gates and Rockerfellers eugenics. I am shock to see that so few people realizing that the Commies/China/Xi/TPTB are taking over the world. Yes, I am sad to say that Alex Jones was right! And the Christians too!
Possible theories:
We need to remember that there is an eugenist agenda that’s been undergoing for the last hundred years, by the Rockerfellers and Gates family.
David Rockerfeller tells us his intention plain and clear (around 3:50) in this video:
So what’s the end game?
I do not know. It changes every week. One thing is real and very noticeable: We are all confined to our houses. We all lost our jobs/can’t get one. We are all getting fed the same bullshit script.
Something feels off because…it is off haha. They took our freedom away!
But according to their little Agenda 201 pandemic thingy (the one they ran last October), soon internet will be cut-off. So who the hell knows.
BREAKING: Bill Gates is building 7 factories to make a vaccine! We are screwed hahaha. Best quote of the article, and certainly the most terrifying: “Gates said testing and building the manufacturing capacity at the same time is essential in developing a vaccine in the 18-month timeframe. He commented on the current social distancing and stay-at-home measures occurring across the country, saying we’ll have a lot of unusual measures in place until “we get the world vaccinated,” adding, “that’s a tall order, but it’s where we need to get to.”
On Tuesday, Gates called for a nationwide shutdown in an op-ed in the Washington Post, arguing the U.S. needs to enforce stricter lockdown measures in every state. “
Yeah. Whatever you do, don’t take that vaccine.