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The last Reset, Foundlings & the Orphan Train [resources guide]

There was a Great Reset 170 years ago

This is one of my favourite rabbit hole. I started digging into it 3 years ago, back in 2017. Watch those videos before they get deleted!

Copy and paste of the submission statement:  What in the world happened in the late 1800's, where hundreds of thousands of children were abandoned all over the world (often times forced by the state, if the mother was unmarried), and then shipped to all parts of the world? 

These children were called "Foundlings", and it was a world wide phenomenon. Once in the asylums, and hospitals... The children where then given made up names, and sent out from cities to rural areas. They either found foster parents, worked as farm hands, or grew up on their own. With a completely new identity, and no knowledge of their heritage.

So what happened!? There was a last great reset. Here, like I posted on Reddit 6 months ago, BEFORE Klaus Schawb and his friends started writing and talking about The Great Reset. So that’s why I was freaking out end of August, when they made it public. Like, they are not even hiding anymore.

Here’s the thread and my post. Bear in mind, that was BEFORE the mention of ANY reset in the news. That was writing 6 months ago. That was even before they nuked Stolenhistory!

//One of my favorite conspiracy for years was... the lack of people on some photos in late 1800s and early 1900.

Check all the cities in the thread. Go to for more emptiness ;)

Nobody ever came up with a good theory. 

Until covid.

Now it makes sense. 

What if there is a reset every 100 years or so? They lock everybody down... then go house to house or force a vaccine to suppress smart and free people, and just keep the kids. 

Remember: there was a ton of orphans early 1900s. The official story is the parents died of a disease or war. “ Official position: During the 1850s there were thousands of children living on the streets of several major cities. The children were in search of food, shelter, and money and sold rags, matches, and newspapers just to survive. The children formed gangs for protection because life on the street was dangerous and they were regularly victimized.

The police often arrested the children, some as young as five years old, and put them in lock-up facilities with adult criminals. Determined to remedy the situation, the Children’s Aid Society and the New York Foundling Hospital devised a program to take children off of the streets of New York and Boston and place them in homes in the American West rather than allow them to continue to be arrested and taken advantage of on the streets. Because the children were transported by train to their new homes, the term “orphan trains” began being used.

The Orphan Train Movement was a supervised welfare program that transported orphaned and homeless children from crowded Eastern cities of the United States to foster homes located largely in rural areas of the Midwest. The orphan trains operated between 1854 and 1929, relocating about 200,000 orphaned, abandoned, abused, or homeless children. While the official narrative is talking about 200,000 for the US, it is highly probable that there were millions. Similar orphan related operations were getting executed all over the world. Some children were allegedly moved to a different country. Makes you wonder why, right?”

How can we link a pandemic, a lockdown, a comet and the cabal?

Look no further:

I encourage you to make your own research anyway. You’ll come up with the same conclusion than I.

Phantom time

Anomalous Soil Accumulation


History Hoaxes and Manipulation





Abandoned cities



Civil War

People General Robert E. Lee astride

Fake Rasputin







Resources wiki's

Kindred subs

Youtube channels


Once you read all of those forums/threads/discussions, you’ll find out that around 1850-1870, there was a reset.

Finally, I recommend you to listen to this podcast.


Further reading: The destruction of Yekaterinoslav (Dnepropetrovsk) by a thermonuclear explosion in 1785 (mirror)