The Most Beautiful World

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The overlooked conspiracy: Nutrition.

Removing toxins a juice at a time

So. Girlfriend is into juicing. She introduced me to her Hurom juicer. And holy! I was not expecting that. I’m in love with this new thing called juicing. It begs the question: How come I never juiced before? Unbelievable. This is a game-changer. It will be part of my new alcohol-free life.

But it also made me realize that, well, as much as we’re all against the experimental mRNA vaccine, and we know that there’s an agenda to kill most of us, we tend to overlooked nutrition. If you are laughing at people taking experimental vaccines, you better not be eating sugar or drinking too much: It is killing you just as much!

The government does NOT want you healthy: It wants you depressed, fat, sick and broken. It’s time to get back on a healthy diet. We must not only refuse the vaccine: we must reclaim our health from A to Z (read this awesome list of things to avoid!).

And for me, it starts with juicing.

A happy JP using his new-to-him juicer.

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I made a banana-ginger-carrot-apple-orange juice this morning. Definitely the best thing I ever drank in my entire life. All the shots were taken with my Fuji X-H1 (reviewed here).

Juicing is fun. I’ll need to get one for my life in the Arctic…



Further Reading:

Reddit post

Reddit post #2

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