The Most Beautiful World

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It's not looking good..

Corona Zephyr posted by Tom Hanks in 2017. What could go wrong?

On David Goldberg and ZYPHR

Here’s an interesting one. I dismissed POGO and ZYPHR conspiracy thread cause they sounded too crazy a while ago. Now… not so sure…

If you haven’t read my last article and this one, make sure you do, before or after you read this one. You might get a little bit lost if you read this one first but by all means, go ahead.

Also, if you suffer from anxiety, don’t read this article for your own sake. You don’t need to read this one. Please, skip, if you already are overwhelmed with the covid1984

David Goldberg was a whistleblower that shared with us the Globalist Agenda for the extermination of the American people between 2020-2025. He got assassinated for sharing this message with us. Most links went 404, so online archives and mirrors were left for us to gather and analyze. He went radio silence in August 2019, at the latest. Maybe more like June 2019.

Here is what he said in mid-2019 that came true in 2020:

- A potential “flu-like” pandemic that will put the world into lockdown (check);
- Passport revocation on April 04/2020 (The US did not revoke on that day, but simply stopped issuing passports. Eerily accurate);
- AI tech that will be able to replace anyone on a facetime call or phone call (see the latest technology of Nvidia…);
- Trump declared the King of Israel. David thought this one was kind of non-sense, but that is what his source told him. He figured it was a ritual, nothing big. This happened in August 2019. What the hell, right?
- Americans won’t be able to cross to Canada. This never ever happened in the history of Canada and the USA. But it did in March 2020;
- The whole world is going to change in big ways (the way of living);
- Direct Energy Weapon in California. No shit! He couldn’t have guessed that one! Check this out.

That’s 7 predictions that came true in 2020... From 2018 or 2019. Too close for comfort.

What he predicted for the end of 2020 and 2021:

- Something on October 19th, 2020 (no clue what that could be);
- Financial collapse that will force people to plead the FEDs for help (2021) (is that why Canada is printing money like the world’s ending?)
- Microchipping in order to get food (ID2020 anyone?);
- Blackout over the USA (one of 3 days, the other longer);
- 20 million of patriot, critical thinkers, awake people, and Christian will be killed or kidnapped in the dark of the night.

What he got wrong:

- From David Golberg, nothing. From his friend “Tom”… a few things that sound exaggerated, like a drone that will cut a hole in your house’ glass… Yeah. “Tom” said a few crazy things, but at the same time, this is 2020, nothing can surprise me anymore.

Agenda 21 was always about 2021, to lay the path of their utopia technocrat world post-2030. Ann Bressington was right in 2012. Max Spiers was right in 2015. Phil Schneider was right in the late 90s/early 2000s. Will Dave Golberg be proven right

If they could kill thousands of people on 9/11, and millions indirectly through a war that should have never happened in the first place, they can and will kill millions again. Their goal is their extermination of the white people of North America or something like that. Deagel forecasts a 70% population reduction before 2025 in the US. It does not say that they will die, but rather that they will “move” somewhere. However, no other countries show a huge migration of people. Therefore, maybe David Goldberg was right when he said that they would be moving into a deep underground military installation.

There is a dark agenda at play folks. I hope that I am wrong, but so far, seeing that Canada is building an internment camp for 2021, that the UK and Australia are going full 1984, the writing is on the wall.

We call all wish for a better day. We are at war at multiple fronts: against the communist taking over the world, against the force of darkness itself, and against the zombies around us, willing to call the cops if we disobey.

We are in a zombie apocalypse. Look around you. People wearing a mask for disease less infectious than the common flu. People willing to surrender their rights for that! Zombies and drones will be the one coercing us into concentration camps, make no mistake.

If you got time and money and are free, consider moving to Malta or Georgia (the country, not the state). Mexico, Brazil is a good place to “lose” yourself in the crowd. Do not go to Chile or Argentina or any western European country, albeit Austria, Switzerland, and Germany might be a safer place to be than it appears.

I hope David was wrong. But he hit the nail damn on the head, you know. His source was right about the passport revocation thing TO THE DAY, and that, a year early. Okay, the US did not revoke patriot’s passport, but more or less the same by canceling the ability to get a new one. He also said that Americans won’t be able to come to Canada, which has been true since March 2020.

Everybody would have dismissed the poor guy a year ago. It sounded crazy, right? But now, 17 months after he blew the whistle (and got killed for doing so), it doesn’t sound so crazy, doesn’t? 

After all, a Mossad agent was in charge of simulating a power blackout after the election (or during), in November 2019, to prepare for November 2020. Wherever Mossad agents are, you know they are up to no good.

The man that predicted that Trump was going to be claimed “the king of Israel”, that Americans won’t be able to come to Canada, that a flu-like pandemic will confine everybody home in an international lockdown, the man that did say that passport would be suspended on April 4 2020, that man… was right. We are talking about 4-5 big points, absolutely crazy and unbelievable simply 8 months ago… that were found to be true and accurate. 

Will he be right about the next 4-5 points? 

I fear that he is.

Now let’s think about it from a critical point of view:

What was Dave’s motive to do such fear-mongering, if all of it was bs? Money. But how? Exactly. Many shills expressed the fact that David was trying to steal Bitcoin from people, yet anyone that spends any amount of time listening to David Golberg or friends of David Golberg (before the whole website got nuked), know that this isn’t true. It would be like me telling you and my readers to transfer their money into Bitcoin or Ethereum due to an incoming financial collapse: I would not profit at all. It would be for your good.

Now why the US? Why not exterminate Christians and patriots in Germany, Hungary, Brazil, or Croatia? Good question. All I can think of is that the US and Canada to a certain extent are the last bastion of the free world, the only thing in the way of China and the zionist. Remember how Dr. Carol Baker (a Jewish… zionist too?) at a CDC meeting back in 2017 said “I have the solution…Vaccine refusers… We will just get rid of the whites in the United States.”

I shit you not. This video has been deleted over and over on youtube, so here’s another copy. Please download a copy of it and share it. Full quote: “So I have the solution. Every study published in the last five years, when you look at vaccine refusers. I’m not talking about…hesitance, most of them we can talk into coming to terms. But refusers. We’ll just get rid of all the whites in the United States,” Baker said at the “Achieving Childhood Vaccine Success in the U.S.” expert panel discussion sponsored by the National Meningitis Association in New York City on May 9, 2016. “Guess who wants to get vaccinated the most? Immigrants.”

See this content in the original post

For a bit of laughter, read her reviews. Made me smile. Below also for the laughs.

God help us.


recommended link: Project zyphr in depth.

Some notes from Golberg. 

Update: my sister sent me this video. Fast forward midway. It is interesting… It’s long and boring, but apparently October 19th 2020 –I recall, that note was on Dave’s post-it– is apparently the start of where SHTF until Nov 16th. Interesting.