The Most Beautiful World

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A new society

As the old ways of living draws itself to its final conclusion – infinite growth on a finite planet could only end in one way, collapse– we must steer ourselves into the path of courage and resiliency. It’s a triad of peak oil, peak production and consumerism and peak idiocy (COVID-19 measures). It’s a triangle of death to the sou

The path of courage is necessary. Soon, the unvaccinated will be excluded from this sick society. Good. It’s now a time to create our own. Say, I don’t know, something along the line of a more beautiful world. The most beautiful world.

The media and politicians want you to believe that you are a loser for not being able to take the plane, go to a bar, a restaurant, or go to work without the jab. It’s just a matter of perspective. It’s winning, in my book. We won’t partake in the old sick society anymore. For some of us, it was already a choice made years ago.

Now is a time to embrace a new wind of hope and sail on this new ocean of opportunity. We can create a new world. We are forced to do so. We can either stay in fear and depression and believe that we are a lesser citizen of the free world because we aren’t marked by the jab. Or we can instead see what an incredible opportunity this is.

We need to create a new world. A new economy –sacred at the core and abundant in its premise–, a new way of living. Derrick Jensen, Johanna Marcy, Charles Eisenstein, Guy McPherson and countless of others pointed at this direction years or even decades ago.

It’s time for a gift-based, back-to-the-roots society.

You are the builder of the better world. See your inability to fit in this sick society as a sign of your sanity. See it as a blessing. Time to rebuild society. Yours.