The Most Beautiful World

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Grab your popcorn!

Trump has the Rona? Gimme a break.

Keep refreshing the page and scroll down for the latest news. Lots to cover today fam!

BREAKING UPDATE! Remember this thread, almost 4 years ago? Holy shit.

DOUBLE BREAKING NEWS (haha)! Trump is under a new experimental drug! Scroll down at the bottom of the article for the latest news.

Woah! So much excitement already! Things are unravelling faster than I expected!

We have meteors hitting southern Brazil –Rio Grande Do Sul–, aka my home in South America. Below is a screencap of this video. Watch it. Check out this page after.

Now go see this post I made a few days ago.

33 days before the election. 111 days before 20/01/2020 (US Elected president take office). Please read this article that I published a few days ago to understand where this is all going.

The Rona IS a smokescreen… to what? Trump and his friends going in “self-isolation” aka bunker? Is it bunker time? Is he going to appear only virtually? Yep, only virtually for the next few weeks… or….

The world might be about to go boom as far as I know! 350 earthquakes in Cali over the last 24 hours… I don’t know! We can only speculate :)

Reddit is going wild on this story: Apparently, a bunch of military plane got deployed in some key locations over night.

See OP’s comment:

Image from my time of posting -

Third tanker on West Coast, DC-10 instead of K35, although one of the West Coast K35s may have just landed. Def seem to be keeping fuel on station.

Edit-2 Blackhawk off the panhandle of Florida is a YEH-60B. Those are used for stand-off target acquisition. They're going into defense mode, for sure. Also Jayhawk S&R aircraft and various other medical related blackhawks up in the areas where this stuff is going. Probably just to be able to make sure they can fish a pilot out if he decides to take up swimming mid-flight. The logistics involved here would make for a fairly large, and intricate training exercise, the kind of which local news might have even mentioned happening at some point. This really seems like part of a contingency plan.

Edit 3 - ANother tanker just popped over the great lakes. It's USAF.Looking like at least 7 of them are at this time at places near borders or coasts.

UPDATE 0800: A 50m asteroid is about to fly by us in a week. Nothing to worry, but it’s there.

UPDATE 0830 : Remember how Trump DID absolutely trigger the CoD (Chain of Command) last March, which is why I speculated that it had nothing to do about a virus, but everything about something coming up from up above.

Folks on reddit have been talking about military planes. But that might also be a red herring. We need to dig and find out exactly what’s about to happen in the 3D world.

Okay now back to the “insider” from 4 years ago. That is his text:

“I am new here with this account but have lurked your sub for a few years now. I would describe myself as right-leaning, maybe a touch of liberalism. I guess that's called libertarianism. Anyway, the point of my post today isn't about me but about Trump. I know most of you are fans of him and believe he is the "real deal." That he will usher in a new era where the globalists and the banksters are finally put in jail for their crimes against the American public. Not only do I disagree with this assessment, but I know for a fact that this Administration will be worse than any prior, and this sub should know better than to trust anyone holding the office of President-- as we know, JFK was the last people's President, and he paid for it with his life. Trump is no man of the people. Instead, he and his movement are a psychological operation. He's not just any psyop either, but perhaps the biggest that's ever been invented by the forces which hold power in this country: globalists, and their organizations such as the CIA and Illuminati. 

This entire election was staged right down to the very idea that the so-called 'establishment' wanted Hillary to win. It was, in fact, the opposite. Hillary was always going to lose. But she was made out to be the winner from the beginning, so much so that there were conspiracy theories about Trump and her colluding so that she would win the Presidency. It was actually the other way around. By playing this game, TPTB successfully convinced everyone, including those of us who had awakened long ago, that Hillary was their pick to succeed the throne. Trump played and continues to play his part remarkably well. A better actor than even Reagan. Now that Trump has been elected, the psyop continues. Each day or at least each week a new scandal will come out of the White House. We have already seen several just 4 days in, whether you want to recognize them as such or not. These scandals will build for the next year or two until Trump is given his cue -- the final gunshot if you will (not actual gunshots; he won't be assassinated). At some point when the forces command it he will cause some sort of panic and/or commit some heinous and treasonous crime that will strip America overnight of its respectability and credibility not just domestically but worldwide. We will be declared a 2nd or 3rd world nation. There will be crises initiated through this incredible action Trump takes, whatever it is, that will plunge us into hell for another year or so. The Constitution will be suspended by President Pence after he fails to restore peace and order. Congress will vote to dissolve itself "indefinitely" and Pence will be declared the sole holder of all 3 branches of government "until order is restored." 

The grand finale of it all is when Pence continues to fail at bringing peace and he initiates a severe domestic war against Americans, he will be eventually shot by some staged rebellion leader, and the American government will at that time cease to exist. The New World Order will finally be installed by a large group of powerful people who then step in to fix everything. "Through chaos comes Order." This is their motto. The group which has reigned over the U.S. since the Jackson Administration will finally achieve their goal of having a One World Government. At this point, Trump and his lackeys, as well as all the former Presidents and other major players in our current government, will go into hiding, most likely rewarded for their favors with a lifetime of riches. All the events you are seeing now that are related to Trump, including the Women's March, are staged as part of the psyop. All the celebrities jumped on board because the Administration must be seriously opposed from the beginning to create the feeling in the public that Trump is chaotic. It will all lead to a boiling point when he will take his final Act as President, which will singlehandedly destroy the republic. I don't know what it is, because the actual deed is kept under tight wraps even to people with my level of access, but it's going to kill us.

Save this post. There will be no election in 2020. Donald J. Trump is the last President of the United States.”

I disagree with some of what he says. I mean, it obviously didn’t happen… or it might sounds far fetched… but this part… “We will be declared a 2nd or 3rd world nation. There will be crises initiated through this incredible action Trump takes, whatever it is, that will plunge us into hell for another year or so.” rings true.

That insider links with the other one (the one about the underground cities…). Make sure to read this reddit post.


Below a screencap of the insider’s profile. He sure sounds legit af.

Oh yes. Love this part: “I have worked for the CIA for the past 20 years and have high access. I cannot say who I am nor my position, but I know about this specific psyop. It is kept under wraps even to the Director of the Agency, until the individual performs certain rituals to prove their worthiness. There is regular classified documents, and then there are documents classified which no one even knows exists. This one, The Blueprints, is the most well hidden.”

UPDATE 0905: Remember Deagel!? I made a post last week on that. Go look it up. It’s on how 200 millions American will die between 2020 and 2025… Yep, straight from an American Intel firm financed by the Rockerfeller themselves! Woah!

UPDATE 0910: The saying that got me and Biggreek and a few others freaking out last April: “America, it is already starting to affect parts of Europe now. Most of the world has always been the half empty. Whereas America has been half full if you get the analogy. America will see how it feels to not be half empty.... but actually empty.” (from this thread, A MUST READ. Read the reply of the OP with a blue nickname)

UPDATE 0928: Make sure to read this reddit thread about the number 33 and the coronavirus.

UPDATE 0935: We got DOOMSDAY PLANE now getting mobilized. No big deal. From a reader: “30 minutes before the US President confirmed a positive test for COVID-19, two US Navy E-6B Mercury nuclear war command posts were observed in flight on each coast of the United States. The planes, which usually fly with radio identification trackers turned off, are activated by the Pentagon when it is deemed necessary to communicate with the US Navy’s secretive nuclear missile submarines, stealth bombers and missile silos.” And he goes on: “It’s the plane that has the ability to order the killing of everyone on earth if someone attacks the US with nukes in a first strike. It can talk to our missile subs under water even if DC is gone.”"

UPDATE 0955: Project Pegasus, Project Looking Glass and Barron Trump time traveller.

UPDATE 1000: 379 minor earthquakes has been registered in California. Nothing to see there folks. On the ground report: “I'm right by these (Brawley), this last hour has been practically non-stop with rumbling. 14 of them in the last hour (including that 4.4) have been 3.0 or above, according to the USGS map. 

E: Got a 5.0, yay. Or a 4.9 or w/e. Biggest I've been in in a long time.”

Update 1005: Was reading about project looking glass and stumbled upon Chronovision, and then this quick comment caught my attention: “Chronovision, he said, could be used to create an international network of virtual museums in which images from the past would be shown to enlighten and educate the public.

Misapplied, such technology could also be used to create a Fascist society based on 24-hour surveillance of individuals by government, which may have been portended by the DARPA project called “Total Information Awareness” that President George W. Bush established and placed under Admiral John Poindexter.”

See that? I think that’s what 5G is all about…

UPDATE 10:59: going for a coffee in town. Need a break.

UPDATE 12:15: back in the business. Here’s a cool article about the doomsday plane by Forbes.

UPDATE 14:00. So many earthquake in Cali. Needed to make a new post about it!

UPDATE 1415: I had to dig deep into my archives to find more about this lady that apparently predicted that Obama was going to be the last president. She predicted that the 45th president would get sick from a mysterious disease… Furthermore, she did mention in an interview, years ago, that there will be a cure for AIDS. Look what I just saw on reddit, a few minutes ago. She also made those predictions:

  • 2012. Nuclear war

  • 2016. Muslims invade Europe.

  • 2023. There will be major changes in the Earth’s orbit.

  • 2028. There will be an attempt to travel to other planets like Venus, with the hope of finding other sources of energy to Earth.

  • 2033. Water levels rise due to the melting of the poles.

  • 2076. Communism contagious return to Europe and the rest of the world.

  • 2084. The rebirth of nature.

And it goes on. Make an archive of that page, it’ll go missing soon ;) Saw someone on reddit saying this: “According to the Ethiopian calendar we just entered 2012 on the 11th September...” So maybe she was right, and just like BigGreekGeek… we are about to see a nuclear war in 2020/2021?

Remember that the Mayan calendar DID finish this year: September 2020 to September 2021 and not in 2012. The Mayan used the Ethiopian calendar (an older one) vs the Gregorian one (the bullshit one).

Remember that 9/11 is the start of a new year on the Ethiopian Calendar.

UPDATE 14:30 HOLY SHIT: Just read this (mirror here): holy shit! Baba Vanga was right! She predicted that the 45th president would fall sick from a mysterious disease. I mean, who knows. Maybe that’s a fake story, but I spent the last half hour reading what she was all about. So far, 85% of her predictions came true. But here’s also what she predicted for 2020: The outlook in 2020 is equally as bleak, with more tsunamis and earthquakes scheduled to hit the continent. A meteorite is also predicted to fall on Russia.


UPDATE 15:00: President Trump being taken to Walter Reed Military Medical Center as a ‘precautionary measure’

UPDATE 1600: “The White House also provided a brief update on Trump's treatment Friday. Dr. Sean Conley, the president's physician, says that President Trump received an experimental drug made by Regeneron, which contains two antibodies against the coronavirus. The medicine is currently in clinical trials and isn't approved by the Food and Drug and Administration. How the president's medical team got the medicine wasn't disclosed in the statement. In response to NPR's query, Regeneron declined to comment specifically, citing patient confidentiality. But Regeneron said it can make the drug available outside a clinical trial through a "compassionate use program," subject to the OK of a review committee. The drug, called REGN-COV2, is given as a single dose by injection (an infusion). The president received the high dose being tested by the company – 8 grams.”

That does not look good folks. Simply the fact that he needs to get on an experimental drug… huh. I don’t like where this is going. If Trump dies, or becomes a vegetal, or disappear, it’s full on civil war in the US. Prepare prepare prepare.

UPDATE 1730: Might go buy some beers. It’s been a helluva day. Make sure to read all the l

I’ll keep updating the rest, just want to publish this for now.

Stay safe,


ps: Further reading on the Continuity of Government by the US Gov.