The Most Beautiful World

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Here's the real reason why people are protesting the lockdown:

It's an anti-facism and tyranny protest

“Give me death or give me freedom” – Some of us don’t kid with this motto. Our grand-parents fought against the Nazi (a form of socialist/facism). They fought hard. Quebec itself fought many wars to get free. Same with the USA. Poland too. Russia? Yeah so pick up a history book and tell me which country didn’t fight against tyranny.

People don’t want to protest to get the right to go get a haircut. No. They protest against an over-reaching governments. They are protesting over the absurdities of this new-to-us police-state. Many of us are used to freedom –and we know all too well that freedom isn’t free. There is a cost to it. We understand history. Who paid the cost? Our great great great grandparents. Our grandparents. And so when you are aware of your history, you fight for freedom as a way to respect the legacy of your bloodline. It’s a matter of decency.

That the media wants to spin those anti-lockdown protest as a sort of “protesters just want to go back to work” is simply outrageous. It’s way more profond. It’s against bullshit. People are sick of tyranny, you know?

If you have an ounce of respect for yourself, you’d fight teeth and nail against this Orwellian governments. I’ve covered over-and-over-and-over the insanity of this crisis, so just go back and check out the latest articles.

You don’t take a javelo missile against a mosquito, yet this is what the governments worldwide are doing.

Sadly, the modern day sheep do not realize that their freedom is long gone. By the time we emerge of this crisis in 2021, the world will be a much different place. Big Brother will be everywhere: you’ll miss the day where you could just hop a plane to Japan and travel with a backpack around the world. Those days are gone. The problem with smart people that read a lot is they tend to put 1+1 together rather quickly, and the “1” they used in the equation has thousand of hours of data which leads to an aswer that is pretty damn close to reality. And the reality is terrifying if you happen to like freedom.

If you got an ounce of dignity, you’d be fighting for freedom too. With words, with actions, with shoulder straight back and Shambala warrior-like state of mind.

There is only one thing worst than death, and it’s cowardness. Now I see people making fun of human beings for wanting to end this descent in tyranny. What is that if it isn’t cowardness? A free, normal human being, would never surround their rights to the government. Ever, ever, in any situation. Only fools would do such a thing.

And maybe the world as gone mad, and maybe people want tyranny and controlled facism, and if this is what people want… let them have at it. Only, there’s no going back once you get there.

The Canadian government allowed human experimentation on brain control at McGill University in the 70s. The US military tested all kinds of biological weapon/vaccine on their soldiers. This is 1% of the things I know: it only goes darker and darker from there. I mean, think about the Mano Blanca in Nicaragua, founded by the CIA. The weapon of mass destruction in Iraq. False flag operations all the time.

The mass do not know what the government is able to do, which is the problem here.

Cowardness is laughing at someone defending 300 years of history. Any preppers that would see a dangerous virus would bug-in for a year: problem is, they are not bugging-in because there is no end-of-the-world virus. It has 0.03 to 1% fatality rate and targets mostly the 70yo+. Only a fool would want a full collapse. Are people making fun of preppers and pro-democracy not understanding that these people would be so gone in their bunkers if shit really had hit the fan? Yes they would have. Now they see that the real threat is the government. So guess what. They are taking it to the street. So deal with it.

If you read this and make fun of protesters, ask yourself: are they that insane for not wanting a collapse? Are you the one caught in a bad case of stockholm syndrome?

“Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” – Benjamin Franklin


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