The Most Beautiful World

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But you –you– exist.

I surprised myself telling one of my fellow reader, just a few days ago, that the good never wins over the bad. After all, if you know your history, the bad guys always win.


This is true –and only true– if you misunderstand the nature of reality. On a materialist point of view… yes, the bad guys win most of the time. But since time is an illusion, and since you are the totality of the Creation and you bring that Creation down with you when you go out… and since you are the only entity existing in your Game of Life… isn’t fair to assume that you, the Player One of Reality, can also have a veto right in the Game?

Yes, of course!

The reason why evil wins most of the time… that’s because most of the time, we don’t do what is right. We don’t do the good that we ought to do. The reason why Evil proliferates so much these days is because we refuse to stand up to what is good. We are the source of Evil; but we are also the source of Good. I mean, it was Solzhenitsyn’s conclusion. It is mine. It’ Peterson’s. Seems like we’re on a trend, doesn’t it?

In other words, if you were given 10 days left to live, would you be submitting yourself to the same bullshit as usual? Would you submit yourself to the same drudgery as yesterday? Would you go to Wal-Mart wearing your little tiny mask and buy your little dinky gadget made in China as it was normal? Or would you flip some tables… for one last time…

Would the stars pertained the hallmark of your existence and would the late sky be a reminiscence of what could have been –and maybe even of what should have been– and could the light that shines through the door of your soul be enough to light a spark of hope to sustain those who were called children of God by God himself?

Would you stay with me and help me forge the most beautiful world?

Would our singular cry be loud enough so the Guardian of the divine spark hear us? Would it just be so? Would it?
