The Most Beautiful World

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Monkeypox development story.

Making sure to read part 1 here.

I hate to break it to you: But this feels like it is February 2020 all over again.

We are, after all, in the period of time that the Elites refer as The Great Reset. So another major crisis is need.

There are currently 107 cases of monkeypox. It is not normal. It usually spread animals to human beings, not human to human. This is a new strain. One that was bioengineered to spread human to human.

The goal is to reduce the population.

This comment on reddit is great: “Monkeypox has existed for 70 years, never once reading pandemic status (although there have been extremely limited outbreaks in 1-2 countries at a time in the past). A biosecurity tabletop exercise "predicts" that a disease which has never ONCE reached pandemic status will become a pandemic in exactly the third week of may '22, and lo and behold that is exactly what happened. The odds are in the billions to one that that is coincidental. But people like you show up and will still try to muddy the waters.”

Interesting study here.