The Most Beautiful World

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And If The Stars

And If The Stars

Dedicated to all of my readers

To L&R –party on a yacht 2022–
To Ilhui –kids are the kingdom of God, you were right–
To WR-CA –brother in this life and the next–
To Robyn –amazing faith, beautiful soul–
To T.L –to Mongolia and back–
To Brian –more bullets won’t change the outcome, so love is all that we got, isn’t–
To Amelie –buy your Jeep Wrangler–
To Stef –get more chicken–
To Sam -let’s brew beer–

To the Architects of the Better World.
And to all of the beautiful souls that I had
the chance to meet through the open field
of the Game of Life.

If the stars could shine a little bit longer,
And give us a little bit more hope,
And a little bit more warmth;

Could we find the strength to go through the darkest of our times?

Could we find the courage to keep on dancing?
To love and forgive,
To build a world anew?

And if the stars could shine a little deeper…
And if the stars could sing us a new song…
A song that preaches –and touches– our hearts louder than words could ever do,
Then maybe we could elevate ourselves to the realm of the gods,
And have a diner with the collective consciousness…

And maybe we would understand the number of man, 
The one that harried our freedom and coloured our world in hues of madness…

And if the stars could shine a little bit brighter…!
Maybe we could see where we belong,
Where we can rest,
Where we can forlorn our sorrows over the cliff,
And let them fall into the oblivionary tale of the human story,
And forgive to ourselves the harrowing hell built on Earth…!

And if the stars could convolute with the innumerable souls’ yearling through the Many Worlds. to bring us a bit of help…
And if these souls could slither through the galaxies to bring us a bit of hope,

Now, here –now and here
And get us out of this bleary world, bleaky horizon, foggy storm, hazy horizon,
And kill the blight at the core of the global sufferings;
And carry us through this calamitous world that wrings us out of hope, 
And light up the whole fucking heap of despair into flames so a new world could be rebuilt anew with the ashes of our sorrows, and the cries of our hearts.

Yes –if the stars, the goddamn stars, polestar to Orion– could quell the blanket of evil coming down on us…

… well, that would be great.

We might just need that. Exactly that.


ps: below, us, not giving a fuck, and going full Indian. Pandemic? New World Order? Don’t know, don’t care.