The Most Beautiful World

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One week left before the norms start wondering.

China’s down.

Can’t believe the world isn’t freaking out right now: half a billion people are under martial law, yet the news and the governments like to pretend everything is BAU (Business As Usual).

I know it’s truly bad when the Canadian government have to pay ads on Twitter to tell the public that everything is under control:

It is all part of the script!

Some photos from the road.

Yeah some parts of Brazil couldn’t care less if the whole chain supply stops: they already live with so little!

Let’s start with this article. Good read.

I was just reading that 97% of the antiobiotics in the USA are made in China… The chain supply is already infected. If it isn’t the virus that kills us in the Americas, it will be the riots or civil war. Or gangs (in Brazil).

A Redditor pointed-out that South America and Africa will thrive for: “Subsistence farming, general shortages and lack of infrastructure will work in their benefit. There's a lot less to collapse.” And that’s why I am thinking of staying in Latin America rather than bugging out to Canada.

That’s it for now. Gotta head back on the road.