The Most Beautiful World

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Picking up brokenness

Here’s the prologue of my new book. Enjoy :)

Port Elizabeth, South Africa. This is where the prologue was lived.

She picked up the small piece of plastic from the sand.

​She headed towards the beach’s garbage disposal can and threw the plastic in. My inner self was bewildered: wait… why caring if the Earth is doomed? Why give-a-shit? Isn’t game over anyway? Why polishing the silverware if the house is on fire? Isn't this piece of plastic too small to care?

It is only eight months later – just as I finally exclaimed out loud "This book is finished!" – that I finally understood the depth of her act. The universe was telling me “You wrote a book? Good. Now rewrite it and make it better. There’s no hope, yet there’s only hope.”

It wasn’t just about picking up the plastic detritus on a beach in Port Elizabeth: it was about picking up the brokenness of our world and making something good with it. It had so little to do with the doing and everything to do with the being part of the galactic equation. It was aiming at the greatest good that was possible. Healing the Earth was always about healing ourselves first. Weren't we indivisible and indissociable from the cosmos?

​We kept walking on the burning sand of the South African beach overlooking the Indian Ocean. I joined her in the cleaning effort. We soon had our hands full of discoloured plastics and our hearts full of hope.

We were two bodhisattvas called by the Universe to heal the planet, to heal ourselves a piece of brokenness at a time. We were mending the wounds of humanity with every piece we picked up. We both knew the rarity of such a divine rendezvous and recognized the sacredness of our time together.

​It is a very rare thing in the galaxy to meet a better version of your-self – even rarer to mutually acknowledge it when it happens – even infinitesimally rarer when that person is also a Guardian of the Divine Spark in the same level of reality as you. Sometimes, the utter unutterability of what comes out of this kind of energy field generated by such a meeting is what makes this life into human-form so exciting, so good and so, well, you know, fucking special.

The time stood still – we made it so.

A time vortex was firmly established on the power of our wills alone, just cause we could right there and then (looking at you John-from-Texas). It was dimensional jumping brought to you by some kind beings from another plane of existence.

​That day on the beach in South Africa, we switched dimension, and we brought you all in. There’s no name on this dimension, but it is the more beautiful of all the worlds. It’s the most beautiful world. Truly is. It marked the beginning of a revolution.

Hold on in there, hang on, we are here. The Guardians of the Divine Spark themselves, right here on Earth, bringing you awesomeness at every level. Don't check out of the Game: the fun is only about to get started.

And so there she was, a polestar shimmering out of the pool of mass normality, a true luminous being, a light source. Getting a quick glimpse at a lighthouse in the fog of war that hovers above the ocean of life is recomforting. Sometimes, it is good to see that you aren’t the only one sane in this madness.

She was the lighthouse and I was the boat seeing the fatal storm brewing at the horizon, loosing hope. She was picking brokenness on a desertic beach and she was guiding the boat back to hope by doing so. I got back to shore of peacefulness and started picking up brokenness too. The gods sometimes call upon a better version of themselves, found in the future or the past, in a different vector of space, to solve a problem. I was in South Africa for this particular reason. Welcome to the Game of Life: it's a hundred percent more strange than you were taught in school.

What if the goal of the Game of Life is not not-sinking, not not-dying, but just having a helluva good time battling chaos and mayhem, and drowning in the process, and experiencing a rebirth, and coming to a place named shore and dancing the heck out of our existence?

Dancing After The Music Stops is the spiritual field manual I wish someone would have given me when I was young of age, when the arc of my life was on an incessant up and up.

It's not like we received a handbook with guidelines at the start of our life. We come to this game with a random deck of cards. Nobody can scream at us RTFM cause there was, well, none. Until now. Boom.

This is the book that I would have given to my younger self, yes, but better than that yet, this is the book that I'm giving myself for the future as the third dimension of things (what we call Modern Day Civilization) goes down. I want us to remember why to dance after the music stops. The human being is on the brink of extinction (shocker): The whole damn thing that we call Life might be ending sooner than we all thought. As the ship sinks, I want to give us, you and I, dear reader, not only a reason to find happiness, but also one to thrive and embrace the true nature of your existence. I want you to see the lighthouse over the horizon of madness.

Whether we reached the shore on a broken boat or by swimming or whether we don't even reach it at all is not the point. Global warming or not: We were born to die. Might as well have a helluva time for the remaining of our days on Earth. If that's a day, good. If that's a thousand, good. If that's ten thousand, good. We lived. We died. We conquered this game. On to the next one.

Over and over, that's what the soul is called to do: winning games after games after games in every dimension at every level of hardness, every time striving at bringing back the equilibrium of the matrix, healing the hearts of the other players, and having a blast experimenting the totality of the given playground.

I started writing – living – this book about my road-trip on the Pan-American Highway, from Alaska to Argentina in a Jeep Wrangler. The real overlanding adventure started back in 'nam on a motorbike back in 2012. As I went through my 20s, I built a lifestyle that allowed me to overland the world in a Jeep.

Along the way, I took a growing interest in climate change. With the hearsay of an apocalyptic climate catastrophe growing louder by the day, I felt it was very much à propos to lay down a book that tackles the basics of the Game of Life.

The purpose of this book is to remind you of your own demise, for there will be so much winning coming out of this proper understanding of our own mortality. Cause there’s no life without death and no death without life. The fear of death is the actual root of every single problem in our lives and an infinite source of failures.

And so I launched myself into a quest to find the Absolute Truth at all cost. I went on a quest that led me to many worlds (Himalayas, Africa, Andes, the Rockies, Malaysian jungles, Brazilian great Pantanal, Canadian Arctic) to find it. No holds barred. Sometimes in life, you just gotta do what you gotta do, until you find an answer that satisfies your soul.

Every great journey starts by answering a call. The call that comes uncalled (no pun intended) into your life and stirs some shit up. My call came into existence through a kundalini awakening. It more or less showed me to preach a message of salvation. Salvation from what, that was the truth that I needed to find.

Most of my spiritual breakthrough happened in the remoteness of northwestern Canada for a reason: Unplugged from all the life's bullshit. No cellphone, limited wifi, and more time in nature than one could ever want.

This time by myself in nature-inspired by Chris McCandless in a way – led me to the discovery of a whole other level of spirituality. Just like David Goggins realized that he could run 100 miles in 24 hours without really any prior serious training, I realized that I could twist the fabric of reality and become the god-creator of the Universe without any gurus or religions or step-by-step protocol. It's what I call a Goggins-moment: A switch that goes off in your brain that gives you the strength to achieve anything.

For the reader that comes from an Hegelianism background of thoughts, and for those caught in the closed-loop of academia worshiping the Reductionist god, and for those without skin in the game, without an actual clue of what reality is, and all of the IYIs that the System mass-produced, you'll have a fun time reading this book. I'll leave it at that.

There is an overwhelming amount of evidence that proves that we are One with the creation. At the end of the day, words will never break anyone free from a Newtonian, cause-for-an-effect worldview. This old paradigm is anchored at the very root of our language, in the perverted educational system, in our slavery-based fiat money system, in our poisoned food and in our terrible popular music such as Taylor Swift (I’m kidding, I do love her).

A way to get out of the matrix is by driving around the world in a Jeep – that is, exploring the infinite – another way, cheaper, maybe, if money is the only thing valued in the equation, is to open this book. Yet another good way to disrupt your life is simply by walking off your job at this very moment and leave for the Unknown. Fuck it!

Yeah, I get it: It can be a daunting task: Good thing there's now a Spiritual Field Manual for it (and there's also a bunch of crazy luminous beings out there meant to be your guide as you venture through an epic journey).

Randomness is a thing, and this book in your hand is the right amount of random chaos needed to bring back everything into an equilibrium state. I believe in you, dear reader. You have way more power than you think you do.

The problem at the core of talking about the Oneness, about the “one with the all” is that, to the average reader that might have never stumbled upon the works of Alan Watts, James P. Carse, Aldous Huxley and the likes, this new paradigm will sound like horse-shit and this book might get thrown away, burnt, or way worst, given to your mother-in-law. She's a tough lady, but could she handle the truth?

And so I am here as a harbinger, a mere messenger dancing with the Logos over the offing of the ocean of Knowledge, kept at large by the congealing mass opinion that hangs over the austere era of this despoliant educational system. Everybody’s insane. Fuck you money buys you that privilege: to speak your mind without fearing consequences. Yes, this school system is nothing short than criminal. Yes, the world as we know is over and done. But there is peacefulness slowly getting built on the brokenness of our story. Hope.

We are some extremely (understatement: we are the gods, the carriers of the divine spark) powerful luminous beings – the founders of reality itself – from the twelfth dimension that decided to show up here on Earth at this time of history and collapse some quantum events, no holds barred. The Human race is worth saving, worth our time. Enki wasn't wrong 10 000 years ago. We are worth saving from our cosmic division.

It is under this nascent zaniness of an overarching government environment that the founders of reality are plotting the twist to the Story. We are ready to take the slander and the burden of the metaphysical symbol of the Cross (meaning, for those without a Christian background, that one has to grab his own burden of sufferings, deal with it, and go on to save the world by maybe even dying for a greater cause than oneself) and walk with it further than any other generation.

May The Power That Be and our Dark Overlords of our time who dwell in the third-dimensional level succumb to their hand-made hell as we fall into this physical oblivion altogether. They cannot win, for the battle is on a finite plane of existence, while we are on the infinite one. The soul is invincible and we take refuge in there. To take soul is to take the infinity pill and jump a few universes ahead of the trouble. You know, patterning your way out of this clusterfuck. BTF through. Before I lose the reader, let's move on.

May the Earth forgive us for all of our hatred. May you find unity, dear reader, in this crazy period of the history of mankind. This book is meant to be a source of encouragement on the narrow path towards salvation, the salvation of the illusion that you are separated from the cosmos. Re-unite with your divine nature, the Higher Self, and this book will have achieved its mission. God-mode is only enabled when you get reunited with your other half.

Hell is coming for breakfast through a combination of abrupt climate change fueled by an unstoppable positive feedback loop created by a century of human greediness and there is no way out of it. Suicide would be the cheapest of all manacles, a pogrom of all that is beautiful and wonderful. Unload that chamber. Click-clack boom sometimes else, stay here, stay with us. It isn't like the world couldn't use you right now: it needs you.

It needs you to be healed and to be moved and to be loved. Anything can happen in this dimension. The predicament is finite, our ability to repair the planet is finite, the resources are finite... But life isn't. Maybe the game will be won on an infinite plane of existence (spoiler: it will, guaranteed). Maybe there's hope after all, and maybe I'll dare to write that there's light after the tunnel, so lock that trigger.

If you drive to the end of the road in Tierra del Fuego in Argentina, you’ll find out that 1) the world isn’t ending just yet 2) this life is the most beautiful gift you could have ever received 3) if you are not living at 100 miles per hour, what the fuck are you doing?

And maybe the last question is the most important you could ask yourself. What the hell are we doing anyway? Punch the clock and go home for the day, after day, after day? What was life all about?

Too many writers practice the subtle art of coercion, cunning sheep into their untutored practice. I'll be the voice in the desert that screams: Yes, magick is real (it stands on quantum mechanics). Yes, souls are a thing. Yes, time is an illusion. Yes, you can speak to entities (DMT can help, of course). Yes, interdimensional beings are a thing. Yes, the cosmic Christ is a thing. The infinite is never proven by some finite means: some stuff just cannot be rendered in the realm of finiteness such as words. Such is life, such is reality, such is the way of the universe.

The theatre of the Game of Life is fairly simple. You're in it to the neck, so might as well get your shot of reality and come dance on the boundaries of the Unknown. Here's something to be fully aware of:

It is you and you alone that plays in it. You are player one.

And you are the only player in it.
It is you vs you.

Get the book here and risk a chance of dropping out of school, or quitting your job ;)
Come with me in a journey of the soul.