The Most Beautiful World

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More than 600 earthquakes swarm California.

I wasn’t kidding about the popcorn.

Move along, nothing to see here.

Check for yourself.

See this article too. It’s about a study that predicted a 2.5% chance of a major earthquake along the San Adreas fault in the next 12 months.

We just got (as of today, 02/10/2020) a 3.3 earthquake on the Ridgecrest fault… I don’t like the way it looks. The more you know haha!

For those not getting it yet… here’s a quote from the LA Time: “The study is the latest suggestion of a plausible scenario in which last summer’s earthquakes in a remote part of California might have started a chain of events that could result in a devastating earthquake on the San Andreas fault that has not been seen in Southern California in 163 years.

At its closest, the San Andreas fault comes within 35 miles of downtown Los Angeles. 

“Now, you can think of the Ridgecrest earthquake as being so far from Greater Los Angeles ... that it is nearly harmless,” said Stein, an earthquake scientist emeritus of the U.S. Geological Survey and adjunct professor of geophysics at Stanford University. 

“But the problem is that ... the Ridgecrest earthquake brought the Garlock fault closer to rupture. If that fault ruptures — and it gets within about 25 miles of the San Andreas — then there’s a high likelihood, maybe a 50/50 shot, that it would immediately rupture on the San Andreas,” Stein said. Stein’s coauthor on the study is Shinji Toda, of Tohoku University in Japan.”

So maybe there’s that going on too.

Buckle up, October is going to be wiiiiild.